Midnight Sun.
Många har säkert hört talas om Midnight sun och läst, men för er som inte har gjort det, så ska jag länka till det här under. Det är alltså det första kapitlet som Stephenie skrev. Hela boken kommer ut nån gång under 2009. Det är hela twilight boken, fast ur Edwards perspektiv. Det ska bli riktigt kul att få läsa den!
HÄR kan ni klicka om ni vill läsa kapitel 1 :)
/ Linnéa A.
Dagens bild.

/ Linnéa A.
Bildkälla: HÄR kan ni se fler bilder på snyggingarnaa!
Joan Jett.
I dont give a damn about my bad reputation!
/ Linnéa A.
New moon trailer Remake.
Åh herregud.. rös när jag såg den här! Den är så känslosam, ni måste se den!
/ Linnéa.
Källa: Twilightobsession!
Hela Cullen familjen.

/ Linnéa A.
The dark side of New moon.
/ Linnéa A.
Du kan vinna Peter Facinellis stol :)
NU TWILIGHTERS&ALLA ANDRA, NU KAN NI VINNA PETER FACINELLIS STOL! Tänk att få äga den, och ha den hemma i sitt rum? Är det inte coolt! Nu har ni chansen, så tävlatävlatävla!
HÄR tävlar ni, ni måste fylla i lite uppgifter och sen äre bara att skicka i väg och hoppas på det bästa :) Tryck på Enter to win när ni kommer in på sidan!

Vi håller tummarna för er (Och för oss!) Haha. Good luck!
Källa: Twilightobsession.blogg.se
Remember me inspelning! Kyss Scen..
Här kommer lite nya bilder från inspelningarna av Remember Me. Emilie De Ravin och Robert Pattinson spelar här in en kyss scen! =)
HÄR kan ni se bilder på sötnosarna!
Källa: Socialitelife
En blandning mellan Kristen och Robert.

/ Linnéa A.
Bildkälla: google
Ni som nyss hittat hit: Välkommen! Vi önskar er varmt välkommna till vår sida med daglig uppdatering :)
Från oss!
Dagens bild.

In the land of women.
Carter Webb är en ung författare från Los Angeles som flyttar hem till förorten i Michigan för att komma över sin separation med en känd skådespelerska. Väl där träffar han Sarah Hardwicke och hennes två döttrar Lucy och Paige. Carter blir indragen i deras liv och upptäcker snart att hans separation med sin förra flickvän inte var något slut, utan en början på något helt nytt...

Här kommer trailern:
Kristen Stewart i The runaways.
Håller hon på att ramla där på en bild, eller stretchar hon bara?

Källa: Twifans
Bildkälla: Se fler bilder HÄR!
/ Linnéa A.
Twilight för dina läppar?
Så här beskriver de sin debut produkt:
"Instead of a gloss, Lip Venom V is a shimmering crimson lip stain suspended in a venom-laced liquid lip conditioner with a bite, and contains argan, avocado, olive oils and vitamin E. This product should be shaken before use to represent the blending of the human and vampire worlds ..."
Jag vet faktiskt inte.. Jag tror att jag hellre tar vanligt läppglans.. men prova skulle väl vara coolt ;)

Deras hemsida: DuWop cosmetics
Källa: Twifans
/ Linnéa A.
Alex Meraz på polle!

Så söt!

Här blir han stylad till indianen, haha :D
Källa: newmoonmovie.org
Bildkälla: AlexMerazFans
Kvällens bild

Dakota som Cherie

Intervju med Jackson Rathbone

Jackson Rathbone is a triple threat. An amazing actor, singer, and writer. Women can only imagine what Jackson might be looking for in a woman. Some might think that any woman he might take a second look at would have to be drop dead gorgeous. Wrong. Jackson opens up about his favorite features about women, dating advice, and how to seal the deal for a second date with him!
Gabrielle: What are qualities you look for in women?
Jackson: I look for a woman with a sincere smile and a love of the arts. I love being able to go out on crazy dates, like breaking into zoos after hours, so a woman who has a sense of adventure... but I also love a calm night of jamming on a beach at midnight with a bonfire, whiskey, and friends... so a woman who can hang in any situation and not get too clingy if I'm playing some music and spending time with my friends and family.
GC: In your opinion, what do men really notice about women?
JR: The way she carries herself. Many times, my friends and I will notice a girl who is beautiful, but just looks miserable in her demeanor. It's a turn-off. Life's too short.
GC: What is your ideal first date?
JR: Well, I live with the band I'm in, 100 Monkeys (100monkeysmusic.com), so I like to take a girl out to dinner alone, go for a walk and chat, and then come back to our "Monkey House" to see if she can hang with my friends/bandmates. If she's cool to jam some tunes with us, shoot nerf guns at my bandmates' heads, or at least not get offended when I pick up a guitar... then I know there'll be a second date.
GC: What is a total deal-breaker?
JR: If a girl is involved with another guy. I don't believe in the ideology of "if it's a different area code, it's not cheating," I think that's more of an "idiot-ology." Too many times I've been hit on by a woman with a ring (engagement and/or wedding), and it disgusts me, to be frank. Even if a woman has a boyfriend she is about to break up with... to me, it's wrong. I won't even consider flirting with a woman unless she is completely single.
GC: What is your favorite feature about women?
JR: Everything. I am a lover, not a fighter. I don't fuss over the fine points, I just love it all.
GC: How important is personality versus looks?
JR: I find the way that a woman walks, talks, and carries herself is more important to me than the way she dresses or make herself up. I don't care how gorgeous she is if she knows it and shows it off too much; that woman is far too ostentatious and superficial for me. One of our band's first singles is called "Ugly Girl" (available on iTunes) and it's about a woman who sacrifices her personality for looks. To me, that makes any woman ugly.
GC: What's sexier: A woman in a little black dress and heels, or a woman in sweat pants and a tank top?
JR: Depends what time of day. And where.
GC: In your opinion, what is the most important part of a relationship?
JR: Selflessness, honesty, and a healthy sexual attraction. I believe a sort of feral instinct takes place in any relationship that works... a sort of "pheromone cupid" strikes, if you will. From there, it's all about keeping it honest and selfless. It takes two to tango, right?
GC: What is the worst dating advice you have ever taken?
JR: "Say whatever she wants to hear." I forgot who told me that, but it's complete bull-shenanigans. Trying to be what she wants is a terrible idea. I try to find a woman who I can be myself around, and who can be herself around me. I hate when relationships change people, but it happens... sometimes for good and sometimes for bad, but when two people fall in love and are still the same people, that's true love. In my humble opinion.
GC: What first grabs your attention about a woman?
JR: Her eyes and her smile.
GC: Do you have any kind of hygiene regimen in the morning? Anything special you use on your skin, hair, etc?
JR: Haha! Nope. Just soap and water... I also brush my teeth with toothpaste, use deodorant, and I, occasionally, will shave.
GC: Do you prefer women with makeup or natural?
JR: Natural, mostly, but I've been known to be extremely attracted to the punk rock look. Though sometimes, it's a little too much and you can't tell how a woman will look when she wakes up; it's really about whatever makeup makes her feel more like herself and more comfortable with who she is, not the other way around. In other words, a woman who defines her makeup and doesn't let the makeup define her.
Blonde or Brunette? ---You forgot redhead.
Tall or Petite? ---In the words of Goldilocks, "just right."
Favorite eye color? ---I'm color deficient... I like eyes that smile.
Short hair or long hair? --- I don't have a preference, I guess... I've dated women with haircuts much shorter than my own and women with hair long enough to lasso the moon.
GC: Thank you Jackson!
JR: Thank you, Gabrielle!
Källa: TwilightObsession.blogg.se
Robert beaten up i Remember me.

/ Linnéa A.
Twilight Dads, Parodi på new moon-trailer.
Hittade en rolig video på youtube. Det var en film till farsdag, där pappor fick spela in olika scener från några filmer. Bland andra finns new moon-trailern med, den scenen är först. Dem andra var ju ganska kul dom med:)