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Comic Con 2009

Nya new moon bilder.

New outtakes from US weekly: Robert Pattinson.

Cameron Bright.
Were you a "Twilight" fan beforehand? Have you read the books?
Never read the books but I did watch the movie. Because a lot of people were saying like, it was half and half- all the guys were saying it was bad, and all the girls were saying it was good. I actually liked it, I didn't mind it at all. And now obviously, I have to be in it, so...yeah [Laughs.]
In the audition process, how did it work?
We actually got a call, because I just live on the island [Vancouver Island], so we got a call and we were going to come over here, and I can't remember happened, but I couldn't come over. And I missed the audition and I was so panicked about it, so I called my agent, and I was like, "Give me their phone number, I'm going to say sorry." And he's like, "You may not have to, I think they're just going to give it to you." [Laughs.] And so we ended up just going, going, going...and sure enough they ended up just giving it to me. And obviously I'm not going to turn this down. I'm really honored to be in it."
Is there pressure to kind of come into a movie that's so big, as a new person?
Well it's definitely different. Like, I was in "X-Men 3," right? So that was kind of the same, but that was the last one of it. So I was in the last one, but this one there's still two more coming. So it's kind of mixing in and you know, it might give me a chance to finally be recognized and get bigger. Because all my other movies didn't really have anything going for them until they came out; that was when they got it. Whereas this one already has a huge fan base because of the books and everything.
Do you have any instant fame or crazy fan stories to share? Something with the "Twilight" moms or anything?
[Laughs.] No not yet! I don't know, I've only been here for two days, we have yet to see! I know when I first got here two days ago, right away two people hopped out the car outside the hotel, and are, "Cameron!" Obviously autograph collectors I guess, and they told me, "It's your choice to go over to them or not." I did, obviously; I'm not going to be an idiot. Went over and gave a couple of autographs, that's about it. I mean, we'll see what happens when it actually comes out.
You won't be able to walk down the street.
I still will-it's not going to hold me back.
Do you get to go to Italy with the rest of the crew?
Nope, the whole Volturi family is going except for me!
Yeah, exactly! [Laughs.] Maybe now they'll be like, "We'll send him, out of pity!
Do you have a project between now and "Eclipse"?
We don't have anything planned, but "Eclipse" is set to start filming pretty quick. Obviously because we can't have people growing up and being too big. Because in a year I might have a full beard, you never know, right? [Laughs.] Obviously still trying to get jobs, you never know.
You and Dakota are two of the youngest cast members, and yet two of the most veteran actors on the cast. Is that a strange thing to walk into?
Not really, it is weird because people ask me about acting and how it relates to my life. I'm 16 and I've been acting for 10 years, so it's really all I know, and it is my life. Like obviously I have no life, so it's just natural to me now, that's all it is.
Your wardrobe, that pendant you're wearing-do you know what those symbols are?
I don't know, they just kind of slapped it on me. I know that's a "V" for Volturi, I'm guessing? Because I'm a Volturi...I really have no idea what you're asking. [Laughs.]
Does yours match Daniel's?
The whole Volturi family has it because that's their family seal. I don't really know all of it.
Did you get to talk to Dakota before you started?
I actually met her a few years ago...[he confers with his Mom] the premiere of "Thank You for Smoking," so I met her briefly. And I actually didn't think she'd remember me at first, and then I got here, and she says, "I think we've met somewhere before," so that was kind of cool. I haven't talked to her before, other than that one time, and that was for like, five seconds. I've only been here for two days, so I haven't really talked to anybody. There's a dinner tonight for everybody in the cast, luckily I got here in time for that.
How many more days or weeks of shooting do you have?
On top of this, a week I think? Not too much, I'm only in the second book.
There's a big fight scene, right?
In this scene, yes.
Do you get to participate or do you just stand back...
I'm just kind of the creep in the background... [Laughs.] That's all I do, I guess. But it'll be fun to watch people flip...and just kind of stand back and say, "Hey, that's cool," instead of me getting injured!
How are you playing your character's special powers?
I don't know, I haven't been able to use it yet! So we don't know,'s kind of a weird power. I just kind of make people...I say, "Ha! You're blind!" all of a sudden. I don't know, we'll's definitely a cool power. Especially Jane's, right? She just kind of makes people feel pain all of a sudden? All I know is one of my friends is like, "You're of the strongest, and you're one of the meanest." [Laughs.] I'm fine with that! Everybody likes the guy to hate!
Did you get to talk with Stephenie [Meyer] to get insight on your character?
Nope, I actually just met her yesterday. Pretty sure she's going to be at the dinner tonight, so we'll be able to talk and all that kind of stuff. So far it hasn't been too much on the acting, because obviously I've only been here for a day, right? Still getting warmed up. It's kind of sad that as soon as I get warmed up I have to leave and wait for the next one. But it is what it is...we'll see what happens.
Where do you live?
I live in Nanaimo.
Nanaimo, on Vancouver Island. An hour and a half ferry ride.
So is it a small town...
It's actually not small at all. Have you ever heard of Victoria? It's a two-hour drive south of Nanaimo. It's a big island, but not very many people's a huge island, the size of England or something like that.
Did you know Daniel from before, from "X-Men"?
Yep, he's the only person that I knew officially before this, it's kind of cool. We were just walking, and I heard there was a big guy in it, and I was like, "Big guy...there aren't too many..." and they said, "Daniel." And I said, "Wait, Daniel...Daniel from from ‘X-Men 3'"? Walked outside and there he was, and I was like, "Hey it's you!" That was kind of funny. Of course the first time I met him he was talking through a tin mask, and he was like, "Oh hi." That was kind of funny, too.
If you could give your character an extra power, what would it be?
That's a good one, I don't know, I really don't know. That's a tough one to say, there's too many. The power to have every power?
That's a good one!
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Tack på förhand!
Remember Me.
Bilder från inspelningar.
Bilder från de senaste dagarnas inspelningar av remember me / The runaways.
The runaways (Kristen Stewart):
Bilder från den 16:e Juli.
Bilder från den 14:e Juli.
Remember Me (Robert Pattinson):
Bilder från den 16:e Juli.
Bilder från den 15:e Juli.
Bildkälla: L&LL
Christopher Heyerdahl.

Over his career, Christopher Heyerdahl has played a Wraith, a demon, Bigfoot and now the centuries-old vampire Marcus, in the cast of the upcoming sequel film The Twilight Saga: New Moon.
It's perhaps one of the highest-profile roles for the versatile Canadian actor, who is known to fans of Syfy's Sanctuary, Stargate Atlantis and dozens of films and TV shows.
"Well, it's a little independent film I'm helping out with," the good-natured Heyerdahl said with a chuckle and tongue firmly in cheek. "This guy, poor old Marcus, is a 3,000-odd-years-old vampire who has spent at least the last 2,000 of it with a broken heart. Really, one of the main reasons to play that character and have anything to do with that series is my niece, who is absolutely obsessed with this series of books. To see how it has had such an effect on the teenage female community throughout the world is amazing."
Word of Heyerdahl's casting in the second of four contemplated films based on Stephenie Meyer's best-selling books caught the attention of his friends. "I have friends of friends who send me e-mails and call me from all over the world," he said. "Every one of these young women feel that this story is about them. It's absolutely remarkable to be a part of something so widespread. It's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity."
Heyerdahl's character is a member of the Volturi, a venerable coven of vampires based in Volterra, Italy, whose members also include Michael Sheen and Dakota Fanning.
"He's one of the oldest vampires on the planet, and who doesn't want to play a 3,000-year-old vampire?" Heyerdahl said. "The cast that I get to work with, like Michael Sheen. ... We had so much fun goofing off together. It was an absolute hoot. Director Chris Weitz's version for this piece is like a Renaissance painting. The images were absolutely beautiful, and the character is such a tragic old fellow." (Possible spoilers ahead!)
Heyerdahl adds: "Here's how I approach him. When Marcus is brought in, he's there against his will. He and his love tried to leave an awfully long time ago. Through a series of tragic circumstances, the love of his life was killed, and he's now being forced to stay and use his powers for the betterment of the Volturi. He's not exactly there, waking up and looking forward to eternity. When Edward and Bella come walking in, his ability to sense the power of their connection is something that wakes him up, brings him back from the boredom of that eternal life and sparks something in him that brings Marcus as close to excitement as he can get. That idea has to be contained and expressed as little as possible to his rather power-hungry captain-in-arms, Aro, which makes for a rather interesting conflict. You might not know it, but Marcus is pretty darn excited by this love that he witnesses. At the same time, it causes him great pain with the memory of what he had and lost. It was very complex to play, especially when you are doing it with so few lines. It will be interesting to see how it is cut together."
Heyerdahl-who has worn extensive makeup and prosthetics for some of his roles -said that the makeup required in New Moon to transform him into one of the undead was easy by comparison.
"Yeah, they do their best to suck the life out of you, but certainly nothing compared to any of those past prosthetics," Heyerdahl said. "From that perspective, it was pretty easy. The looks they are getting in this film are absolutely fantastic. Everyone looks gorgeous and deliciously lifeless."
Marcus also plays an important role in the fourth Twilight novel, although Heyerdahl hasn't peeked that far ahead yet. "I have left that book alone," he confirms. "I want to leave it until we get closer to the movie. I was talking to Stephenie about it, and she asked if I had read the final book. I said 'Nope, I don't want to read it yet. I want to leave it alone until we get there.' 'Oh, just you wait. You'll love it.' I do know generally what happens, since it is impossible not to find out. And, yes, I've been contracted for the final chapter."
Is Heyerdahl ready to become part of the pop-culture phenomenon? "Well, who knows about that?" he said with a laugh. "We joke we're the old guys on the set, and perhaps I am the oldest vampire on the set. Who knows if the fans are going to care about us? But it's been interesting. We went out for a cast dinner while we were shooting, and it was fascinating to see the masses of people trying to sneak their way into the restaurant or find where everyone would be leaving from. To be a part of something that has been compared to Beatlemania, which comes close to a good way of describing it, it's pretty incredible." New Moon is slated for release on Nov. 20.
Nya bilder på Robert och Kristen :)
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/ Linnéa A.
Jamie, eller Caius!

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Stephenie Meyer bilder :)

New moon smycke?

/ Linnéa A.
Wolf-Pack ;)

/ Linnéa A.
Warrior bilder :)
"In shock and denial over his Marine father's death in battle, star Lacrosse player Conor Sullivan, always a maverick and a hothead, starts acting out in self-destructive ways that have his mom, Claire, at her wit's end. But arduous training in a wilderness Lacrosse camp under the tutelage of his dad's old combat buddy, Sgt. Major Duke Wayne, opens Conor's eyes to the true meaning of maturity, sportsmanship and manhood..."

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