Ashley Greene!

Ashley Greene sågs den 28:e Juli på "Special Screening Of Columbia Pictures' Julie & Julia" Åh, hon är ju så vacker! Vad tycker ni om hennes outfit?


Rachelle ska inte spela Victoria i Eclipse!

Åh, som ni vet ska inte Rachelle spela Victoria i Eclipse...Det här gör mig ganska sur faktiskt. Tycker inte om när man byter skådespelare! Jag älskar Rachelle och tycker hon passar helt perfekt som Victoria. Vad tycker ni? Visserligen ska man inte bara klaga utan Bryce kan ju faktiskt också bli riktigt bra.. men jag vill ha Rachelle!


Ny blogg ; Fanfiction.

Nu har jag gjort en ny blogg! HÄR hittar du den. Den kommer bara innehålla min fanfiction! så jag kommer alltså fortsätta på min älskade twilightersforever. Jag kommer försöka skriva många kapitel och ett tredje är redan klart ;) Så kika gärna in och läsläsläs! (Glöm inte att kommentera också ;) )

/ Linnéa


Nu är det så här att jag funderar på att göra det här till en fanfiction blogg istället! Jag älskar att skriva och för er som läst och gillat min fanfiction så funderar jag på att satsa helhjärtat :) hehe. Så vad tycker ni om detta? Jag kan ju fortfarande slänga in kvällens bild och lite sånt som jag tycker bör tas upp!

Kramar! / Linnéa.

Kvällens bild.

Nattens bild..

Älskar den här bilden från Comic-Con! Förlåt för kass uppdatering idag. Ska bättra mig. Kommer hem snart!


New moon pic's

De här bilderna gjorde jag nyss. Eller ja, printade och satte dit en passande text haha :) Bilderna är kopierade från den officiella new moon sidan där man kan hitta mycket fint haha! Så om ni ska kopiera ange gärna mig som källa! Kramar.

The hillywood show!

The  Hillywood Show gänget befann sig i går på Comic-Con! De är ju riktigt lika haha! Kolla in "Jaspers" min! haha.

Grattis Mike Welch!

GrattisGrattis säger vi till Mike Welch som fyller hela 22 år idag :) CONGRATZ!

Kvällens bild.

Får vackra Rachelle stå för :)

Comic con intervjuer :)

Har suttit här den senaste halvtimmen och kollat på lite intervjuer från comic con, haha! Har suttit här och skrattat.. de är ju så roliga!


Videorna är tagen av :)

Comic Con 2009

Här kommer lite bilder från Comic-Con som var i går :)


HJÄLP! JAG TROR JAG DÖR! Kolla in de här klippen som visades på COMIC-CON i går! Herregud.. <3 SÅ JÄVLA UNDERBART! <3<3<3 NU FÅR NOVEMBER KOMMA! Det konstiga är att det är precis som jag föreställde mig! Chris Weitz är ju kung!



Nya new moon bilder.

På den officiella new moon sidan så finns det sjukt fina bilder! Jag har inte sett vissa av dom. Älskar den första, och den på Bella och Jake. Vad tycker ni om bilderna? :) Här är den officiella sidan.


Ripped Apart - Kapitel 2.

Kapitel 2. Bella

Varje dag med Edward var ett nytt äventyr. Om mitt hjärta slog skulle det nog ha gjort miljontals volter vid det här laget. Jag är inte ens säker på att jag hade överlevt det. Den dagen då vi blev föräldrar till något så underbart som Renesmee hade våra band stärkts ännu mer. Renesmee var lika mycket mig som Edward. Att uppfostra henne hade inte varit lätt alla gånger men nu när hon blivit en kvinna så behöver vi inte vara lika orolig mer. Jacob har alltid funnits där för henne, sedan födseln. Deras band har även växt sig starka och jag kan se att de verkligen älskar varandra. Renesmee gör Jacob hel, och Jacob gör detsamma för Renesmee. Visst, jag och Edward var oroliga för hur deras relation skulle utveckla sig men ingen är så trygg som hon. Deras kärlek är lika stark som min och Edwards och jag känner ofta igen mig i dem. Sedan Jacob blivit en familjemedlem så hade vår relation utvecklats. De tider då jag hade krossat hans hjärta gång på gång var glömt nu. För nu var vi bästa vänner och inget kunde skilja oss åt.

Jag följde med Edward in i den djupa skogen där jag en gång hade varit ovetande om hans hemlighet. De minnen som vi har i Forks kändes långt borta - som flera århundraden sen. Jag mindes när jag konfronterade honom och fick veta sanningen. Minnena var inte så starka - vilket inga minnen var från min mänskliga tid. Men jag mindes den gången jag fått veta hans hemlighet. Hur jag berättat mina teorier och fått veta vad han var för något. En sak som jag mindes var hur mycket tid som jag egentligen spenderade på att undra varför han just var annorlunda. Gläntan var så vacker, den såg nästan orörd ut.

"Bella, älskling. Varför står du där borta och bländar mig med din skönhet? Kom hit!" Edward sträckte ut sina armar mot mig. Jag la mig i hans knä och drog in hans doft i mina näsborrar. Jag mindes i alla fall hur jag älskade att lukta på honom. Edward log. "Så, mrs Cullen. Att sitta här med dig gör mig lycklig. Du gör mig lycklig, som du gjort i många år nu." Jag såg rakt in i hans ögon och smekte hans kind med min nu - bleka hand. Ord räckte inte till just då, till att beskriva hur mycket jag älskar honom. Han har skakat om min värld helt ock hållet.

"Jag älskar dig." sa jag och satte mig upp och gled ur hans grepp. Edward drog mig intill sig igen och jag lade mig på hans axel. "Jag älskar dig med. Mer än du kan ana" sedan kysste han mig och då hade jag redan börjat knäppa upp hans skjorta.

Att ligga brevid varandra i gläntan var som att gå tillbaka i tiden. Det var så vackert - precis som det var då. Vinden susade och träden följde varsamt med rörelserna. Jag vände mig om, och där låg han. Min man - min självfrände. "Bella, det kanske är bäst om vi börjar åka tillbaka" sa han, medans han rörde vid min kind. "Vi har redan varit här för länge" några mörka moln rörde sig i snabb takt mot gläntan, så vi sprang till bilen för att slippa se regnet falla. Alice mötte upp oss vid garaget och var som vanligt nyfiken. Våran vänskap var som starkast nu - och vi delade allt med varandra. Edward himlade med ögonen, och lät oss gå in och bara prata om hur underbart vi haft det - I kärlekens glänta.

New outtakes from US weekly: Robert Pattinson.

JAG HAR FÅTT INTERNET HÄR PÅ CAMPINGEN! Det betyder att jag kommer uppdatera emellanåt, men efterssom det är semester så kommer jag inte uppdatera ofta! Här kommer sjukt många nya outtakes från en fotografering med Robert Pattinson (TA DET LUGNT NU TJEJER) De här bilderna är sjukt snygga... ååh..


Goodbye - for a while.

Idag åker jag bort - igen. Den här gången blir jag borta i ca. 2 veckor. Jag hoppas att ni läser sen när jag kommit hem också! Då ska jag faktiskt dra i gång tävlingen (!!) Så jag hoppas ni får det bra där ni nu bor =) Så hörs vi när jag kommer hem sen! Ni kan ju även läsa Ripped Apart  - Fanfiction! :) kramar.

Här har ni lite saker att läsa under tiden :)

Intervju med Robert Pattinson

Intervju med Ashley Greene

Intervju med Christopher Heyerdahl

Intervju med 100 Monkeys (Jacksons band)

 Intervju med Taylor Lautner.

Intervju med Chris Weitz

Intervju med Cameron Bright

Robert Pattinson bilder.

Robert Pattinson bilder; Us weekly.

Robert Pattinson video.

Robert Pattinson bilder; GQ Magazine.

Dagens bild.

Xavier Samuel Intervju.

Xavier Samuel, som ska spela Riley i Eclipse har gjort en telefonintervju med Hot30!

Kvällens bild.

Cameron Bright. har haft en intervju med Cameron Bright som ska spela Alec i New moon =)

Cameron Bright

Were you a "Twilight" fan beforehand? Have you read the books?

Never read the books but I did watch the movie. Because a lot of people were saying like, it was half and half- all the guys were saying it was bad, and all the girls were saying it was good. I actually liked it, I didn't mind it at all. And now obviously, I have to be in it, so...yeah [Laughs.]

In the audition process, how did it work?
We actually got a call, because I just live on the island [Vancouver Island], so we got a call and we were going to come over here, and I can't remember happened, but I couldn't come over. And I missed the audition and I was so panicked about it, so I called my agent, and I was like, "Give me their phone number, I'm going to say sorry." And he's like, "You may not have to, I think they're just going to give it to you." [Laughs.] And so we ended up just going, going, going...and sure enough they ended up just giving it to me. And obviously I'm not going to turn this down. I'm really honored to be in it."

Is there pressure to kind of come into a movie that's so big, as a new person?
Well it's definitely different. Like, I was in "X-Men 3," right? So that was kind of the same, but that was the last one of it. So I was in the last one, but this one there's still two more coming. So it's kind of mixing in and you know, it might give me a chance to finally be recognized and get bigger. Because all my other movies didn't really have anything going for them until they came out; that was when they got it. Whereas this one already has a huge fan base because of the books and everything.

Do you have any instant fame or crazy fan stories to share? Something with the "Twilight" moms or anything?
[Laughs.] No not yet! I don't know, I've only been here for two days, we have yet to see! I know when I first got here two days ago, right away two people hopped out the car outside the hotel, and are, "Cameron!" Obviously autograph collectors I guess, and they told me, "It's your choice to go over to them or not." I did, obviously; I'm not going to be an idiot. Went over and gave a couple of autographs, that's about it. I mean, we'll see what happens when it actually comes out.

You won't be able to walk down the street.
I still will-it's not going to hold me back.

Do you get to go to Italy with the rest of the crew?
Nope, the whole Volturi family is going except for me!

Yeah, exactly! [Laughs.] Maybe now they'll be like, "We'll send him, out of pity!

Do you have a project between now and "Eclipse"?
We don't have anything planned, but "Eclipse" is set to start filming pretty quick. Obviously because we can't have people growing up and being too big. Because in a year I might have a full beard, you never know, right? [Laughs.] Obviously still trying to get jobs, you never know.

You and Dakota are two of the youngest cast members, and yet two of the most veteran actors on the cast. Is that a strange thing to walk into?
Not really, it is weird because people ask me about acting and how it relates to my life. I'm 16 and I've been acting for 10 years, so it's really all I know, and it is my life. Like obviously I have no life, so it's just natural to me now, that's all it is.

Your wardrobe, that pendant you're wearing-do you know what those symbols are?
I don't know, they just kind of slapped it on me. I know that's a "V" for Volturi, I'm guessing? Because I'm a Volturi...I really have no idea what you're asking. [Laughs.]

Does yours match Daniel's?
The whole Volturi family has it because that's their family seal. I don't really know all of it.

Did you get to talk to Dakota before you started?
I actually met her a few years ago...[he confers with his Mom] the premiere of "Thank You for Smoking," so I met her briefly. And I actually didn't think she'd remember me at first, and then I got here, and she says, "I think we've met somewhere before," so that was kind of cool. I haven't talked to her before, other than that one time, and that was for like, five seconds. I've only been here for two days, so I haven't really talked to anybody. There's a dinner tonight for everybody in the cast, luckily I got here in time for that.

How many more days or weeks of shooting do you have?
On top of this, a week I think? Not too much, I'm only in the second book.

There's a big fight scene, right?
In this scene, yes.

Do you get to participate or do you just stand back...
I'm just kind of the creep in the background... [Laughs.] That's all I do, I guess. But it'll be fun to watch people flip...and just kind of stand back and say, "Hey, that's cool," instead of me getting injured!

How are you playing your character's special powers?
I don't know, I haven't been able to use it yet! So we don't know,'s kind of a weird power. I just kind of make people...I say, "Ha! You're blind!" all of a sudden. I don't know, we'll's definitely a cool power. Especially Jane's, right? She just kind of makes people feel pain all of a sudden? All I know is one of my friends is like, "You're of the strongest, and you're one of the meanest." [Laughs.] I'm fine with that! Everybody likes the guy to hate!

Did you get to talk with Stephenie [Meyer] to get insight on your character?
Nope, I actually just met her yesterday. Pretty sure she's going to be at the dinner tonight, so we'll be able to talk and all that kind of stuff. So far it hasn't been too much on the acting, because obviously I've only been here for a day, right? Still getting warmed up. It's kind of sad that as soon as I get warmed up I have to leave and wait for the next one. But it is what it is...we'll see what happens.

Where do you live?
I live in Nanaimo.

Nanaimo, on Vancouver Island. An hour and a half ferry ride.

So is it a small town...
It's actually not small at all. Have you ever heard of Victoria? It's a two-hour drive south of Nanaimo. It's a big island, but not very many people's a huge island, the size of England or something like that.

Did you know Daniel from before, from "X-Men"?
Yep, he's the only person that I knew officially before this, it's kind of cool. We were just walking, and I heard there was a big guy in it, and I was like, "Big guy...there aren't too many..." and they said, "Daniel." And I said, "Wait, Daniel...Daniel from from ‘X-Men 3'"? Walked outside and there he was, and I was like, "Hey it's you!" That was kind of funny. Of course the first time I met him he was talking through a tin mask, and he was like, "Oh hi." That was kind of funny, too.

If you could give your character an extra power, what would it be?
That's a good one, I don't know, I really don't know. That's a tough one to say, there's too many. The power to have every power?

That's a good one!



jesus! Såg just den här videon på [Twifans] och jag måste säga att jag är imponerad! De dansar till twilight-musik och har med citat från filmen. Jag älskar hur de har kombinerat allt och gjort det till en fantastisk dans! Det här är alltså dansgruppen The pace all-stars som vann Jazz world 2009! Helt underbar dans måste jag säga. Jag dansar själv jazz och jag skulle inte ha nåt emot att dansa med dom.. haha. Vad tycker ni?

Veckans fråga.

Vad skulle DU göra om du såg Robert Pattinson på stan?

1. Jag skulle skrika och springa efter han!
2. Jag skulle nog stå helt stilla och inte kunna röra mig.
3. Jag skulle försöka få en bild av honom,
4. Jag skulle nog försöka gå fram och prata med honom lugnt.

Dagens bild.

New moon bokmärken.

Nu har man hittat bilder på de här ursnygga bokmärkerna! Jag vet inte vart det finns.. utan ska försöka ta reda på det.. Vem skulle ni helst vilja ha? Jag kan inte bestämma mig.. x)


New moon godis!

Nu har Blockbuster varit så påhittiga att de tillverkat New moon godis! Jag måste ju medge att de ser riktigt snyggt ut, förpackningen och chokladen! Skulle ni vilja smaka? :D 


Gästbloggare sökes.

Nu är det så här att jag ska åka bort - igen! Den här gången 2 HELA veckor. Jag skulle behöva någon som kan gästblogga hos mig de två veckorna. Om någon är intresserad - Skicka ett mail till: [email protected]

Tack på förhand!

Remember Me.

Här kan ni se lite bilder från inspelningen av Remember me i går =)

Riley i Eclipse.

Nu är det alltså klart vem som ska spela Riley i Eclipse! Han är ju riktigt söt =) Vad tycker ni?

Källa: JustJaredjr

Ashley Greene.

Ashley Greene sågs på "MAC's Cosmetic Party" Den 16:e Juli. Hon är ju så himla vacker! Kläderna ser inte så dum ut dom heller!


Robert Pattinson; GQ Magazine.

Jag älskar de här bilderna på Robert. Han ser så härligt avslappnad ut, haha.. och blicken.. ja det ser ni ju själva! Come to mama..

Bildkälla: L&LL, Google..

Liten förändring.

Jag frågade härom dagen om jag skulle fortsätta med paparazzi bilder. Jag har funderat på det ett tag, och min andra blogg som jag driver med 11 tjejer: Twicandy , vi har beslutat att inte publicera paparazzi bilder. Inte jag heller nu nå mer! Men jag kommer länka till bilder från inspelningar m.m så ni kan kika på dom ändå =) Bloggen kommer iprincip bli samma som förr! (Jag kommer inte ta bort gamla paparazzi bilder, utan de får vara kvar) 


Chris Weitz interview.

Ännu en intervju! Den här gången med Chris Weitz! Intressant att läsa om man vill veta lite mer om New moon och de andra filmerna.
Exclusive: 'The Twilight Saga: New Moon' Director Chris Weitz reveals all

Q: The day we were on set you shooting in the headquarters of the Italian vampires.

Yes, that's a gigantic sets.

Q: Just so you know, I purposely don't read the books because I want to enjoy the franchise as a moviegoer...
Many people purposely don't read the books.  They are called men. (Laughs.)

Q: Can you talk about that then? What was your interest in coming on board a franchise that predominately been more popular with women then men?

Actually, in that regard my brother and I often end up doing movies whose audiences are predominantly women or tipping point of success relies on a female audience.  Even 'American Pie.' I think the thing that distinguishes it more than the gross-out humor, because there is a lot of that going on.  The way we tooled it was so that girls could be interested in it as well. And, in as much as the 'Twilight' series has a great appeal to women, I think it really concentrates on the emotions of the central character and romance and I think that unfortunately that the studio system has not been very good at getting boys to be interested in.  They think and maybe incorrectly, that the male gender is interested in just thing blowing up.  And I don't think that's true.  I certainly didn't make this movie towards only girls or women being interested in seeing it. There is a lot for diverse audiences including older audiences than the first one drew.  Really, we are drawn to the cast. I thought the central cast were great and I wanted to work with them and it also employed some skills that I picked up along the way including working with special effects and working with younger actors and working on emotionally structured stories. 

Q: 'Twilight' is very emotional at its core, but it also has a lot of CG elements. Would you say you are in a comfort zone?  Is this familiar ground?
Right, I'm never really in a comfort zone making a movie which is a discomfort zone, because you're always working under pressured circumstances, because you don't have an unlimited amount of time or money to do these things. There were a number of things I was familiar with -- familiar enough so that I could do what I think is really important which is not to foreground the special effects for the action elements, but to make those kind of settle into the story.  You never really want someone to watch a movie and go, 'Wow, those were great special effects.'  You hope they won't notice the majority of what you are doing.  Obviously, people are going to notice horse-sized wolves and realize on some level they are special effects, but they are photorealistic and they should be as expressive as a good actor if possible.  So, in terms of kind of wrangling that sort of process it is something I am used to.

Q: In terms of the effects, I think everyone on this call was probably stunned after we'd been on set and we'd talked to the producer and he was like 'We're still working on some of the designs for the wolfpack' and I think it was like two or three weeks later we saw the first trailer and that great shot at the end.  Have you ever worked in such a quick process from beginning to end?
It is.  I myself was surprised Phil Tippet's company was able to turn out that wolf shot and I think they kind of did that as a matter of institutional pride that they could.  Even that shot that was in the trailer has gone through 20-30 iterations since then, but they have done a really extraordinary job and Phil Tippet is a complete genius.  He's responsible for the walkers in 'Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back' and he's kind of one of the legends of the visual effects community and it pretty amazing what they have been able to do on such short notice.  We are working at kind of breakneck speed at the same time as trying to achieve something really quite elegant as well.  It's not just Tippet, it's Frantic/CBS (LOOK UP) which is headed up by Mike Fink who is my old friend who was the visual effects supervisor on 'Golden Compass' which won the Oscar the year it came out. So, yeah, working very fast, but we're also trying to work as beautifully as possible to make these effect kind of settle into the amazing cinematography that Javier Aguirresarobe brought us.  We are kind of moving at light speed,but trying to deliver something that's really elegant and beautiful.

Q: Just to follow that up, can you tell us how far along you are to completion right now?
I am about two weeks away from showing the director's cut to the studio.  I've got some wolves with fur.  Some wolves are still invisible basically and some wolves are like -- you've all probably seen the claymation versions.  We are still in the light RD phases of what Edward looks like when he's hit -- what the vampires look like when he's hit with light and the diamond effect.  Also, the kind of hallucinatory effect Bella has when she hears Edward's voice and she imagines him there.  And then we are Alexandre Desplat has just started working on his music for the film. And we are just starting to put together what acts will be on the soundtrack, so it's kind of like keeping ten plates spinning at once, but it's all good because we've got Alexander Desplat who I think is one of the greatest film composers living and because of the kind of the strength of the franchise that I inherited, a lot of bands are really interested in working on the soundtrack and we got visual effects people. And that just leaves me hopefully not dropping the ball in terms of editing together the story.

Q: Sounds like a lot.
It is a lot, and with Comic-Con on the 24th were we are going to show a couple of scenes to whoever can get in that auditorium.  And yeah, it's a lot to be getting on with, but it's fun at the same time.

Q: In regards to the music, will Alexander Desplat be using Carter Burwell's theme at all?
I think, y'know, yes, because like any franchise there are certain themes that become familiar.  I suspect he's going to transpose it in some manner and most of the music will be entirely new to the franchise, because his style is somewhat different from Carter Burwell's, but I think there is some value to having a familiar -- I believe the words are 'light motifs' -- running through the entire series.

Q: Really quickly on the music.  The first movie probably made Paramore as a band.  Were you surprised by the number of acts wanting to be on the sequel and have you had to turn anybody down?
Well, fortunately I'm not at the stage where I have to turn anybody down yet, because everything is still kind of up in the air, but I am surprised by some of the bands that have said they are interested. It's kind of great.  The criteria will still be what's right for the movie at that given moment, but y'know, Thom Yorke is interested.  We might, if we're very lucky, get Kings of Leon to do something.  So, it's exciting to have access to this kind of talent.

Q: Can you talk about the mini-movie 'Facepunch' that plays on the three-way date?
Yeah, well, actually nobody is starring in that.  The funny thing is I had to come up wit h the name of the movie, within the movie. In the first one I think was named in the book -- I think it's 'Crossfire' -- or 'Crosshairs' or something like that couldn't be cleared because it had already been used.  And you'd be shocked at the number of stupid action movie names that have been turned into movies. So, I eventually turned in a list of ten to Summit's lawyers and they had to see which ones they could go and clear.  "Facepunch" was actually one of two of ten they cleared. And I chose that over "Kill Hunt."  I can actually go and make 'Kill Hunt'.'  And it was always the joke between me and my brother that there should be a movie called 'Facepunch' which is just about people punching each other in the face.  It's kind of a movie within the movie. It's the least romantic thing Bella can go to because her friend essentially asks her on a date and she wants nothing romantic to happen at all.

Q: Did Stephenie give you any thoughts on that?

Well, she gave me a T-shirt with the 'Facepunch' logo on it. She's kind of a fan of popular culture as well or the absurdity of popular culture, so I think she was kind of tickled by the name of the movie. 

Q: Will it be on the DVD?
The movie itself?  (Laughs.) Sadly, there is no 'Facepunch' although maybe that's something the fans should be left to make. You'll hear the sounds of 'Facepunch' which will be a lot of people being shot and hacking each other to bits.  In a way there are a few other imaginary movies that are referred to within this movie in the way that is satirizes other genre films in a very brief and lighthearted way. And this is the example of the stupidest possible action movie imaginable.

Q: Chris, there is a Rotten Tomatoes mention in the book for this scene. Do you know if it stayed in the movie?

I'm afraid it didn't.  I don't think the reason would be because of Rotten Tomatoes, but Summit Entertainment got in trouble for using some cards from a casino in the first movie and they are very careful about not quoting any existing property. Probably if we had bothered to go and ask you guys would have said, 'Yeah, that's really cool.'  And some lawyer would have said, 'Oh, it doesn't matter' and all that sort of stuff. So, I'm afraid not.  It might have been because of the Tomatometer response to 'Golden Compass' as well. (Laughs.)  It lowered my overall Tomatometer score.

Q: Was there a lot of pressure in taking on a project that's become a huge cultural phenomenon?
Yeah, definitely there is.  It's largely self-imposed because the fans are tremendously supportive and very kind.  One of the things thats interesting about the 'Twilight' fans is that they are not like fans boys who start cynical.  They actually begin from the point-of-view of being enthusiastic and wanting things to be good and done well.  I do feel a tremendous amount of responsibility to the readership than to the movie franchise in a way, because I think that's the core experience you are trying to get at.  Someone reading the books for the first time, but just galloping through it for the first time when one reads books when you're younger and you are completely absorbed in it.  To try and provide an experience that kind of compliments that. That means keeping in very good touch with Stephenie without trying to second guess ones self.  Thinking about things to a degree of loyalty to the fans. 

Q: What was your favorite scene to shoot?
There were a lot of fun scenes to film frankly.  I really did enjoy the sequence in the Volturi headquarters, although it's a tremendous logistical headache.  In a way, it's the scenes that you dread the most because they are so time consuming and you have to get it just right which is like the stuff in the Volturi headquarters, that has to be my favorite sequence because it is kind of the high point of the movie when Bella goes to try and stop Edward from killing himself. We had 1,000 extras in this medieval town square in this little town in Tuscany in the most beautiful country on earth and it's just an extraordinary opportunity to work there. It was also kind of surreal, because every 'Twilight' fan could make it from all over continental Europe and even further and had gotten by hook or by crook to Montepulciano, [Italy] and booked a hotel room.  Sometimes in the very hotel room in which the cast and crew were staying.  So, there was this weird Beatlemania thing sort of going on in this very small, beautiful hill town. So, for five days it was this bizarre festival atmosphere. And it really wasn't bothersome at all.  It was incredible gratifying that all these people would applaud after every take whether or not we'd screwed it up.  They had no idea because they weren't close enough to hear.  If you looked down any alley in which the camera wasn't pointing you'd see hundreds of these young girls who had come to touch a piece of what they really loved. 

Q: Can you talk about what it was like to work with the cast after they'd already played these parts before? 
Well I always go into any movie that a competent actor is going to know about as much or more about what their character is about than I will even if it isn't a franchise, because that's their job.  But that's especially the case when they have already played these characters falling in love.  They have kind of lived with the characters and the franchise for quite awhile. I'm mean you'd have to ask the actors if what I say is true, but my first job is to talk to them and listen to them about what they thought about the script and what they thought their characters would be up to. And to kind of work along with them.  Obviously, it was going to be a different experience for them. It was going to be a different kind of movie, because in a way I'm a lot more old fashioned than Catherine Hardwicke in terms of my film tastes and in terms of the way the film was going to turn out.  So, it was sort of just a balancing act between respecting everything they brought to the table and the characters and what they did and what I thought I could bring.  Also, it was kind of great to be with Taylor as he went from a character that had three small scenes in the first movie and only worked three days on the first movie or something to one of the dominant characters in the movie. That was a really fun process because he's a really great guy.  Actually, all of the kids as I like to call them because I'm 39 and that sort of makes me twice their age were fun to work with and clever and smart and thoughtful about it.

Q: Can you tell us about the proposal scene at the end of the book? Fans are worried that it's either been altered or cut out of the film. Can you address those concerns?

They haven't been cut out.  I can tell you that much. It's not going to hit them the exact way they think it's going to, but I will say  -- how can I put it?  It's going to be quite special.  I could have saved all of my gusto for that moment.  I don't think it will disappoint.

Q: Can you tell us about your vision for the Volturi?

No matter how strange one of the characters is in a work of fantasy, I think you have to approach them as people and then so you start to think, 'Oh they've been around for 2,000 years. How would they interact with one another?'  The conclusion was that after 2,000 years you'd probably be more than mildly insane. No matter how cultured or gracious you appear on the surface. And I think that's what Michael Sheen managed to portray in portraying Aro, the head of the Volturi, in that on the surface he's terribly gracious, warm, a wonderful host and at the same time he's absolutely lethal and frightening.  It's also what Dakota [Fanning] conveys as Jane. She's sort of this in appearance innocent looking, harmless looking almost teenager, but she's absolutely deadly.  The first thing I wanted to do was put them in a setting that wasn't Dracula's castle.  I feel like that's been done. There have been so many vampire movies and werewolf movies and horror movies where everything has been dark and dreary and everything is blue or green or something like that. Instead, their headquarters is surprisingly light and crisp. And the characters that they play have a kind of a tactile reality to them in spite of how bizarre their situation is really. The whole point is not to leave kind of Forks, Washington where everything has really been quite realistic and then suddenly go to a location that completely throws you out of the movie. So, that's the difficult balance to achieve.  And the set although it's huge and grand and magnificent actually kind of feels like a real place.  One always has the option in these kind of situations of shooting everything in green screen and adding everything later. I've done that before, but in this case it felt really important to actually build something that surrounded the characters that they could interact with and had a real sense of existing in a real space.

Q: There is a lot of fan speculation about what the Volturi will actually look like and from what I've read or seen from photoshop manipulations people have done, they are really off the mark.  Curious, will we see the Volturi in any of the upcoming trailer or publicity stills or is that secret until the movie comes out?
I think there will be some publicity stills about them coming out eventually and I'm not sure whether they will be in the trailers or not. I think essentially our aim was to make them look like what they look like in the book and not to be too fancy. I think that y'know it was very important to [Stephenie] that the werewolves transform very quickly, they look like wolves and we not have this kind of magical Lon Chaney-esque long transformations and I think the reason behind that is to give a sense of their reality. I think that was important to the Volturi as well. They are not levitating off the ground, they are not surrounded by mystical auroras, they are creatures that actually exist and they are very specific. They are very stylish, they are very elegant, they are very dangerous, but essentially it's very faithful to the book. 

Q: Would you talk about these rumors or fan speculation or hopes that you might come back to direct 'Breaking Dawn'?  And is there any carryover between 'New Moon,' 'Eclipse' and 'Breaking Dawn' in terms of planning?
Let me see, I think it's really charming that having not seen 'New Moon' people would be enthusiastic about me wanting to do 'Breaking Dawn.'  That's really -- y'know I think the proof is in the pudding and they should see it before they decide there is anything else they want me to do.  But I would hope to earn that kind of rumor. We haven't really spoken with Summit about that. All I knew is that I would be too tired to do 'Eclipse' and that somebody else take it over as well so that they could put their own imprint on it. Also, the way the films are being shot would have precluded it anyway. In terms of the planning. David Slade came in while we were still shooting 'New Moon' and I showed him everything I could to sort of give him a sense of what direction we were going. He is going to take it into whatever way he wants to, because he's his own guy and will have his own style and particular take on things.  But, just as I was inheriting certain things from Catherine Hardwicke, he's going to inherit certain things from me and make the choice whether he's going to keep them or alter them.  So, we have had discussions about -- Tippet is going to do the wolves for 'Eclipse' so there is a continuity for the look of the werewolves and obviously the cast is going to remain the same. Dakota is Jane and all the Volturi are the same people who you are familiar with, but other than that it's sort of David Slade's show to run on 'Eclipse' and by the time that comes out they will probably want him to do 'Breaking Dawn,' not me.  I would certainly consider it, but it's funny. I find all my time avoiding the internet, because I end up getting into arguments with 15-year-olds in Germany and I have to concentrate on making the movie, so I don't even know the positive rumors out there. I don't know the negative rumors, I don't know the positive rumors.  I"m just trying to do the best job I can, but it's really sweet that people would like me to do that. I think that's very cool.

Q: Do you think 'Breaking Dawn' would be very doable? 
No, its a tough one.  I mean, yes it's doable. Anything is doable, but it's a hard one, because the series gets more and more ambitious as it goes along.  Yes, it's doable. Anything is doable.

Q: Chris, real quick, what's your drop dead due date that you have to turn the film in to make the release date?

Ironically, I think it's the day before Halloween. I believe Oct. 30 is our drop dead date.  It's our time to start striking the prints or we're in big trouble.

Källa: Newmoonmovie


Bilder från inspelningar.

Bilder från de senaste dagarnas inspelningar av remember me / The runaways.

The runaways (Kristen Stewart):
Bilder från den 16:e Juli.
Bilder från den 14:e Juli.

Remember Me (Robert Pattinson):
Bilder från den 16:e Juli.
Bilder från den 15:e Juli.

Bildkälla: L&LL

Taylor Lautner Inteview.

Hittade en intervju med Taylor Lautner! Riktigt bra intervju där man får veta mycket om New moon/Eclipse. Q är alltså frågan och under är Taylors svar :)

Taylor Lautner finds his inner-wolf in 'Twilight Saga: New Moon'

Q: Were you doing any stunts today?

I've been doing a lot recently, yeah. The cool thing is, they've pretty much let me do most of my stunts. I got to do all the dirt bike riding, I got to do this really cool sequence that I'm actually not going to tell you about, because I want you to wait to see it. But yeah, the stunts have definitely been my favorite part so far.
Q: What physical preparation did you have to do to get ready for the stunt work?

Well, I had to put on some weight. (Laughs.) While filming 'Twilight,' I knew that Jacob's character transforms, not only emotionally and mentally but also physically, so I immediately, the day after filming Twilight, hit the gym, started eating a lot - good food - trying to pack on pounds. And here I am, thirty pounds heavier!

Q: Was it harder or easier than you thought it would be?

The actual getting into the gym and working out process was easier, but the eating was harder. Because I had to eat, and everyone's like 'Are you kidding me? I'd love to eat like that!' I had to eat every two hours. At one point, my trainer said, 'Put anything in your mouth. Go to McDonald's, get the biggest shake possible, I just need to get calories in you.' Because my body fat at the time was only, like, seven and a half percent.

Q: So you were on the Michael Phelps diet?

Yeah!  Seriously, I'd wake up and my trainer would say, 'You need to have six egg whites, and bacon and toast and...' It became a lot, so that was the hardest part. Especially putting something in my mouth every two hours.

Q: Are you still eating like that? You still have to maintain the regimen?

Yeah. I've gotten used to it, but I definitely didn't want to show up on set - now is the most crucial time, when I'm  filming - so no, I'm definitely keeping it up while I'm up here.

Q: Can you describe the new movements you had to learn for your Wolf Pack scenes?

Well, I didn't have anything to do with the Wolf Pack, but I did go through some dirt bike training, because I really hadn't ridden before. So I had a couple lessons, so when they threw me on the bike I didn't die. The biggest thing with Jacob's physicality is, pre-transformation he's described as clumsy, he trips over his own feet, he's a little kid. Then, as soon as he transforms, he all of a sudden becomes very agile. So, it wasn't certain movements or specific things I had to do, it's just all of my movements together, even as simple as walking, had to have more of a presence, definitely easier than before.

Q: Do we get to see you phase?

Um...yeah! You will. You've got to wait and see, but it's definitely going to be cool.

Q: What percentage of time would you say you spend shirtless? 

I'd say the same as the books. I'm not going to give you a specific percent, but the great things about this series, and the movies , is we stay true to the books. So if you read the books, you know what the movie's going to look like.

Q: Are you using your martial arts expertise a lot?

No - I mean, Jacob doesn't do martial arts. It helps with the agility, yes; that's what it does help with, but it's not like Jacob comes out and [uses] kung fu on the vampires. (Laughs.)

Q: Have you seen any production art of what your character looks like after transformation?

Very sketchy ones. They're literally, like, drawings, nothing in detail. So it's really going to suck, waiting all this time - even though it's such a quick turnaround. I mean, we're finishing up here end of May, and it's coming out at the end of November already. Those months in between are definitely going to be hard, because I'm really excited to see what everything's going to look like.

Q: They said that for your Jacob the wolf scenes, they're going to keep your eyes.

I believe so, because when Bella, all through the books, when she looks into the wolf's face she sees Jacob's eyes.

Q: Does that mean you'll spend extra time in a CG studio to capture that?

I don't know.  I think it's as simple as taking a picture of my eyes and just pasting that on the wolves. I did get body-scanned, is that what they'll use? Gotcha. Oh yeah, my head body-scanned. Yes, yes, yes.

Q: And did you have any time to do anything between this and 'Eclipse' or are you just going to take a break?

I'm actually not sure yet. While I'm up here I want to focus as much as possible on 'New Moon.' I'm leaving everything to my team back home to work on. But yes, we're definitely working on things. Nothing is solidified yet.

Q: Will you try to bulk up even more for 'Eclipse' and put on more weight?

Yeah, I am. Jacob continually grows throughout the series, so that matter if I'm doing a film or not, I'm still going to have to put on a little bit more weight.

Q: Do you have a target weight right now?

I'm going to try and put on another...I'll shoot for another ten. We'll see what I can do, but I'll be working hard.

Q: How often do you go to the gym? 

About five days a week. At one point, I realized I put on a lot of weight, and then I started losing weight dramatically and I was like, what's going on? Why am I losing all this weight that I put on? And what I realized is that I was actually over-working myself. I was going seven days a week, I wouldn't take a day off, and I would be in the gym for two and a half hours, and I was just burning more calories than I was putting on. That was my biggest problem. So then, I had to cut back; four or five days a week, and not be in the gym too long.

Q: That sounds like reportedly what Rob's experience was like on the first film.

Oh, really? I'm not familiar.  (Laughs.)

Q: That was your real hair, right?

No. This is! But no, the long hair is definitely a wig. I just wrapped the wig a couple of days ago; that was amazing. The whole crew gave an applause, I was so happy. They're like, 'So, do you want to keep it?' I'm like, 'If you give it to me, I will probably burn it.' (Laughs.)

Q: What's been the biggest difference between this shoot and the Twilight shoot?

We know what we're making this time around. I mean, for the first film, we really had no idea we were making a big film, we just knew that we were all in love with the series and wanted to make a great movie. But we didn't know that all the people were going to fall in love with the movie and it was going to be as big as it was. Now, we're coming into 'New Moon,' you know, with a little bit more pressure, but we're trying to push that behind us and not think about that, and stay focused on what we need to do.

Q: What's the difference between working with Catherine Hardwicke and working with Chris Weitz?

They're both so talented in different ways. What I love about Chris is the set is very calm and we're just having a lot of fun making the movie. And then you sit back and you look at the results that are happening and it looks amazing so far. I'm so excited to see it. And you just sit back and see what's going on, and you're like, 'How are we having such an easygoing, relaxed time making this movie, and it's turning out the way it is?' At the same time, the conversations with Catherine - she just related to us so well. So does Chris. They're both talented directors, and I'm thankful that I had the opportunity to work with both of them.

Q: Have you had a chance to meet David Slade yet? Has he come to set or met anybody?

He came up here, briefly. I was in the middle of a stunt rehearsal, and he showed up with Wyck, one of our producers, and Wyck was like, 'Hey, this is David.' And at that point he wasn't signed on to the film and I had no idea who he was. Then all of a sudden he started putting up these ‘camera hands' in my face; 'Yeah, I think this would be a good angle right here.' And I'm just sitting there going, 'What is he doing?' Then finally, as he's doing it, Wyck says, 'Oh, I probably should tell you who this is. This is David Slade. He's probably going to be doing 'Eclipse.'' I was like, 'Oh, that makes sense now!'

Q: If you could give Jacob, as a werewolf, one more power, what would it be?

Oh boy, that's a tough question. Um...I want to steal one of Edward's powers, because I like them. But then I'd feel like I'm betraying Jacob if I said that. (Laughs.)

Q: Which one of Edward's powers would you take?

Well, I don't want to sparkle. Definitely, I don't want to sparkle. We [wolves] can read minds, though, right? Each others', but not anybody's. Ok, well, I'd like to read Bella's.

Q: Are you liking having a Wolf Pack? You're not the only one anymore.

Yeah, it's fun! They're a lot of fun, they've got a lot of energy, they're fun to have around. I'm really glad that they were able to come up and have fun with us.

Q: There's a lot of talk about the fight scene between Jacob and Paul...

The sad thing is, it's not gonna be me. It's gonna be a CGI wolf. But I'm sure it's gonna look just great.

Q: How did you all develop the bonds that have to translate on screen?

We hung out, while they were up here. We went to dinner, we went to some movies. We all get along, so I definitely think you're going to see that in the film. They're fun guys, they're easy to get along with.

Q: Are you all BFFs now?

I don't know if we're BFFs! But we're friends.

Q: Have you wrapped, or how much more shooting do you have?

Let's see. We're almost done. I think we've got another two weeks left, and they've got a couple of scenes left. It's sad, but it's alright. We'll be back soon.

Q: What's been your favorite scene to film so far?

Um...I'd either say, some cool action scene I got to do, because I really do like the action, or I really like the break up scene. We call it 'the break up scene.' It's the first time Bella sees Jacob after he's transformed. When she comes to his house, and she sees for the first time that his hair's cut, he's different, what's up...?  And he tells her, 'We shouldn't be friends.' It's a really emotional scene.

Q: Considering how moody Jacob gets in 'New Moon' - toying with Bella's emotions - do you feel bad at all?

I don't feel bad one bit; I feel bad for myself! (Laughs.) No, when I was reading the books, I felt so bad for Jacob's character. But now that I'm actually living him, I feel way worse. Bella's toying with Jacob! I don't care if she's ripped between the two guys, I feel so bad for Jacob, because she confused him; one moment, she'll want to kiss him, and the next moment, she's ditching him for Edward. I mean, yeah, I understand where Bella's coming from, and it's a crappy situation for all of them. But I feel really bad for Jacob.

Q: A lot of fans are looking forward to the scene in 'Eclipse' where Jacob and Bella finally have the kiss.

Yes, so am i.

Källa: L&LL


Ashley Greene Interview.

Här är en video när Ashley Greene var hos Alexa Chung och gjorde en intervju :)


New moon bild.

Hej alla :) Nu är jag äntligen hemma igen.. har i princip suttit mitt ute i skogen men det har varit så härligt :) Bastat, badat och bara tagit det lugnt :) Men nu är jag back on track! Den här bilden är så sjukt fin! Man ser verkligen hur Jacob beskyddar Bella.. ååh.. Det är alltså en ny bild från new moon :) Undra i vilken scen?

Bildkälla: L&LL

Dagens bild.

Dagens bild får bli på vackra Ashley Greene =) Nu sticker jag till stugan i två dagar! Så nu får ni överleva utan mig.. hehe! Men jag kommer förmodligen hem på Fredag. Då blir det mer uppdatering! :D Och snart ska vi dra i gång tävlingen också.. så håll ut! :D Kramar från mig.

Remember Me.

Här är lite bilder från gårdagens inspelning av Remember Me. Nu undrar jag: Tycker NI att jag ska fortsätta med paparazzi bilder? För på Twicandy har vi slutat helt och hållet med det. Så nu behöver jag råd från er! Ska jag eller ska jag inte fortsätta med paparazzi bilder?


Yiruma's låt med sång :)

River flows in you av Yiruma har det länge diskuterats om. De flesta ville ha den som Bellas Lullaby! Själv tycker jag att den riktiga passar bättre. Vilken gillar ni bäst? Yiruma's eller den riktiga? Nu är det så att en tjej som heter Anne Manda (länk) har skrivit en text till Yirumas låt! Jag tycker att det låter väldigt bra faktiskt.

Vad tycker ni om låten?


100 Monkeys intervju.

Starship Magasine har gjort en intervju med bandet 100 Monkeys som Jackson Rathbone är med i =) Jackson längst till höger

Starshine Magazine has this exclusive interview with Jackson Rathbone's band, 100 Monkeys:

To feed the elephant in the room, Jackson, can you tease anything about "New Moon" for the yearning "Twilight" fans out there?

Jackson: It's gonna be raging...action-packed, more steamy romance. You get to see a lot more crazy stuff happening. We went deeper into the world now, and it's gonna be a fun thrill ride for everyone.

Also, filming recently wrapped in Pennsylvania for M. Night Shyamalan's "The Last Airbender." What was that experience like, Jackson?

Jackson: It's been incredible, a great set. I really believe we're making a film that's going to be epic. It's gonna move people. I think the movie's gonna turn out beautiful.

The 100 Monkeys have performed with Rob Pattinson in the past. Any chance that'll be a recurring collaboration?

Jackson: Well, I mean, Rob's a busy guy...(laughs) We've had a few chances to play with him. He's an awesome musician.

How has "Twilight" mania affected the band's popularity?

Jackson: It's definitely gotten us some attention, but I think the main thing is our lives shows. People get to -

Jared: - escape into a fun land. Enjoy good music.

Jackson: Yeah, we like to have a good time. That's what we're always trying to do - play music for as many people as possible.

Jared: Hopefully, they come in ready to rock out and have some fun. That's all you can expect.

Ben G: If you scream loud enough, we'll make up a song that you decide what it's called. Things like guitar picks and sweat.

Jackson: We like to give things away a lot on stage.

Jared: Sometimes we bring monkeys and throw them into the crowd.

Jackson: By the way, Ben J. is an adamant whale enthusiast. I know that if he were here, he would want to mention something about preserving the humpback whale in particular. Just figured I'd throw that in there.


Dagens bild.

Robert Pattinson.

Ojoj, vi fortsätter där vi slutade i går haha! En riktigt bra gjord video på Mr. Pattinson ;)


Rob's intensiva blick.

Ja.. eh.. jag... kan.. inte.. riiiktigt.. prata..ska bara... gå.. o.. göra.. nåt..annat.. kolla.. in..blicken.. ååh.. godnatt till er..


Haha..haha..så fult! Se den haha! :D

Dagens inspelning av Remember Me.

Här har vi bilder från dagens inspelning av remember me =) Jag måste ju påpeka att han ser inte helt dum ut i kostym! haha..

Bildkälla: Justjaredjr

New pics from Remember Me.

Här har vi lite fler bilder från inspelningen av remember me från den 11 Juli =) Haha, kolla första bilden! så söt.

se fler HÄR.

Gil Birmingham 43 år!

Grattis Gil Birmingham (Billy Black) som fyller 43 år idag! Grattisgrattis (:


Kvällens bild.

Kvällens bild får bli en bild från en vanity fair shoot. Söta kristen längst till vänster (som ni nog ser haha) x)

Bildkälla: L&LL

Christopher Heyerdahl.

Man har ju inte läst så mycket om Christopher Heyerdahl som faktiskt ska spela Markus i volturis gäng. Om man vill veta lite om honom ska man garanterat läsa :) Hoppas alla mår bra därute!

Over his career, Christopher Heyerdahl has played a Wraith, a demon, Bigfoot and now the centuries-old vampire Marcus, in the cast of the upcoming sequel film The Twilight Saga: New Moon.

It's perhaps one of the highest-profile roles for the versatile Canadian actor, who is known to fans of Syfy's Sanctuary, Stargate Atlantis and dozens of films and TV shows.

"Well, it's a little independent film I'm helping out with," the good-natured Heyerdahl said with a chuckle and tongue firmly in cheek. "This guy, poor old Marcus, is a 3,000-odd-years-old vampire who has spent at least the last 2,000 of it with a broken heart. Really, one of the main reasons to play that character and have anything to do with that series is my niece, who is absolutely obsessed with this series of books. To see how it has had such an effect on the teenage female community throughout the world is amazing."

Word of Heyerdahl's casting in the second of four contemplated films based on Stephenie Meyer's best-selling books caught the attention of his friends. "I have friends of friends who send me e-mails and call me from all over the world," he said. "Every one of these young women feel that this story is about them. It's absolutely remarkable to be a part of something so widespread. It's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity."

Heyerdahl's character is a member of the Volturi, a venerable coven of vampires based in Volterra, Italy, whose members also include Michael Sheen and Dakota Fanning.

"He's one of the oldest vampires on the planet, and who doesn't want to play a 3,000-year-old vampire?" Heyerdahl said. "The cast that I get to work with, like Michael Sheen. ... We had so much fun goofing off together. It was an absolute hoot. Director Chris Weitz's version for this piece is like a Renaissance painting. The images were absolutely beautiful, and the character is such a tragic old fellow." (Possible spoilers ahead!)

Heyerdahl adds: "Here's how I approach him. When Marcus is brought in, he's there against his will. He and his love tried to leave an awfully long time ago. Through a series of tragic circumstances, the love of his life was killed, and he's now being forced to stay and use his powers for the betterment of the Volturi. He's not exactly there, waking up and looking forward to eternity. When Edward and Bella come walking in, his ability to sense the power of their connection is something that wakes him up, brings him back from the boredom of that eternal life and sparks something in him that brings Marcus as close to excitement as he can get. That idea has to be contained and expressed as little as possible to his rather power-hungry captain-in-arms, Aro, which makes for a rather interesting conflict. You might not know it, but Marcus is pretty darn excited by this love that he witnesses. At the same time, it causes him great pain with the memory of what he had and lost. It was very complex to play, especially when you are doing it with so few lines. It will be interesting to see how it is cut together."

Heyerdahl-who has worn extensive makeup and prosthetics for some of his roles -said that the makeup required in New Moon to transform him into one of the undead was easy by comparison.

"Yeah, they do their best to suck the life out of you, but certainly nothing compared to any of those past prosthetics," Heyerdahl said. "From that perspective, it was pretty easy. The looks they are getting in this film are absolutely fantastic. Everyone looks gorgeous and deliciously lifeless."

Marcus also plays an important role in the fourth Twilight novel, although Heyerdahl hasn't peeked that far ahead yet. "I have left that book alone," he confirms. "I want to leave it until we get closer to the movie. I was talking to Stephenie about it, and she asked if I had read the final book. I said 'Nope, I don't want to read it yet. I want to leave it alone until we get there.' 'Oh, just you wait. You'll love it.' I do know generally what happens, since it is impossible not to find out. And, yes, I've been contracted for the final chapter."

Is Heyerdahl ready to become part of the pop-culture phenomenon? "Well, who knows about that?" he said with a laugh. "We joke we're the old guys on the set, and perhaps I am the oldest vampire on the set. Who knows if the fans are going to care about us? But it's been interesting. We went out for a cast dinner while we were shooting, and it was fascinating to see the masses of people trying to sneak their way into the restaurant or find where everyone would be leaving from. To be a part of something that has been compared to Beatlemania, which comes close to a good way of describing it, it's pretty incredible." New Moon is slated for release on Nov. 20.


Stor new moon affisch.

I Botani Square Mall i Indonesien så har dom satt upp en rejält stor affisch på new moon postern + wolfpack! VARFÖR kan det inte finnas något sånt här i Sverige? Gaah!


Dagens bild.

Dagens bild får bli på Taylor.. aww.. vad skulle ni säga om han stod utanför er dörr sådär?;)

New moon video!

Ni måste se den här alltså :) Man får se ganska mycket (bla alice bil) kristen, ashley och mycket mer! Man får se scenen när Kristen börjar springa också!  Cred till de fan som filmade det här alltså :)



Godkväll (Godnatt) alla läsare där ute! Hur mår ni? Jag mår superbra. Sitter här och skrattar för mig själv när jag tänker på vad roligt vi som chattat har haft de senaste dagarna ^^ Haha! Vi är ett gäng bra bloggare som har slagit i hop oss till ett! Jajamen, du hörde rätt. Men jag kommer såklart fortsätta uppdateringen här!

Vi som slagit ihop oss heter; amanda, dianne, sabine, marigona, evelina, linnea, emma, maria, josefin, idun, angelica och nathalie!

Tillsammans blir vi; Inom några veckor ska vi ha bloggen fullt fixad och ett eget domän :) Men kika gärna in för här gåre undan med uppdateringarna ;) 12 tjejer = Uppdatering 24/7

Robert in a fightscene!

Här är en video när Robert Pattinson spelar in en "´fight" scen i Remember Me! haha.. go robert!

Find more videos like this on Twifans

Kvällens bild!

Vackra Ashley!

twilight "Behind the scenes"

Twilight "Behind the scenes" :) Även om ni har sett den så äre alltid kul att se igen haha :) Tack Nathalie för tipset :)

Twilight behind the scene collider part2
by lyly_ford

New moon set!

Här är en bild som är tagen i Italien! Kristen och Ashley har alltså sina scenkläder på sig :) Den här bilden är tagen när de fixar smink och hår tror jag!

Robert bildbomb!

I brist på nyheter denna morgon tar vi en bildbomb på Mr. Pattinson ;) Vilket jag inte tror nån har nåt emot haha.

bildkälla: L&

Jamie Bower intervju.

En liten rolig intervju med Jamie Bower, aww han är ju så söt! En brittisk accent också, åh.. haha nej nu ska vi inte drömma oss bort här x) Han pratar iallafall lite om hur det var att spela in new moon och även lite om skådespelarna :)

Kvällens bild.

Kvällens bild  får vackra Ashley och Rachelle stå för :) Hoppas ni mår bra alla! :D Nu tänker jag fråga er om det är något ni vill se mer av i bloggen eller vill att jag ska tillföra? :)

Teen choise awards.

Som ni vet är ju twilight nominerad i väldigt många saker i teen choise awards :) Man kan rösta HÄR. Men du måste vara medlem för att kunna göra det. Och man kan bara rösta en gång per dag. Jag tänker rösta iallafall :)

Movie Drama: Twilight
Movie Romance: Twilight
Movie Actor Drama: Robert Pattinson
Movie Actress Drama: Kristen Stewart
Movie Villian: Cam Gigandet
Movie Fresh face female: Nikki Reed eller Ashely greene
Movie Fresh face male: Taylor Lautner
Movie Liplock: Robert Pattinson & Kristen stewart
Movie Rumble: Edward Cullen ( Robert Pattinson ) VS James ( Cam gigandet )
Music Album Soundtrack: Twilight
Other stuff: Male Hottie: Robert Pattinson

/ Linnéa A.

Robert den nya Johnny Depp?

En artiken i US weekly som kom ut 29 juni stod detta i tidningen. Robert Pattinson är den nya Johnny Depp! Vad tycker ni om det?


/ Linnéa A.

Ny design :)

Haha.. jag gjorde en ny design igen x) Vad tycker ni om den? Missförstå mig inte med kameran, menar bara att det kommer finnas bilder på dem :) Inte typ paparazzi! Välkommen hit ni som nyss hittat bloggen! :) Kram

/ Linnéa.

Nya bilder på Robert och Kristen :)

Nya bilder på Kristen och Robert.. Från Rome film festival 2008. Älskar bilderna! :) Kolla in blicken på Roberts close up..
Vad tycker ni om bilderna?


/ Linnéa A.

Dagens bild.

Jamie, eller Caius!

Jamie Bower, eller Caius, haha! Han sågs på "Summer Garden Party for the Serpentine Gallery i London." Haha kolla första bilden, så söt ! =)

fler bilder hittar du HÄR ! :)

/ Linnéa A.

Kristen Stewart spelar gitarr.

Wohoo! Här är en video från inspelningen av The runaways. Man får bland annat höra hur de spelar (Kristen spelar gitarr) Dakota som presenterar "Joan Jett" också! Häftigt :) I början sminkas hon som fick vara med på inspelningsplatsen tror jag :)


/ Linnéa A.

New moon.

Så fint så jag fällde en tår, haha! Så himla fint.

/ Linnéa A.

Fanmade new moon poster!

Wooow... helt sjukt fin alltså! Jag tycker den fångade hela budskapet när de återförenas :) Vad tycker ni?

/ Linnéa A.

Robert på inspelningsplatsen :)

Här kommer lite bilder från gårdagens inspelning av Remember Me =) Jag måste ju säga att det var trevligt att chatta med alla som var med i chatten i natt x) haha! :D


/ Linnéa A.

Tävling på Twilightersforever!

Inom kort kommer en tävling i samarbete med ett företag här på bloggen :) Det kommer bli ett finfint pris. Något du kan titta på varje dag och se bella och edward i det :) ( OKEJ NU SKA JAG INTE AVSLÖJA FÖR MYCKET ) Så glöm inte att kika nu så ska tävlingen dra i gång om ett par dagar!

/ Vi på twilighersforever.

Kristen stewart; comic con 2008.

Bilder från förra årets Comic  Con 2008 shoot. Snyggingen själv! åh, hennes hår..


/ Linnéa A.

Ashley, Peter eller Kellan?

Om ni vann 20.000 dollar d.v.s 160 000 svenska kronor, vad skulle ni då göra med dem? Ett alternativ ,som skulle kosta alla pengarna, men det skulle nog vara värt det ändå. Alla galna fans skulle nog välja detta alternativet i alla fall. För 160 000 kronor kan Ashley Greene, Kellan Lutz eller Peter Facinelli komma hem till ditt hus. Det skulle bli den perfekta födelsedagspresenden eller partyunderhållningen. Jag skulle välja Ashley om jag hade sådana pengar. Vilken skulle ni välja?

 Källa: Twilightobsession

/Linnea T


Stephenie Meyer bilder :)

Det har även kommit ut lite bilder på Författaren själv! Eller "Geniet" :D Hoho! Hon är så vacker :)


Nya newmoon inspelnings bilder!!

En massa nya bilder har kommit in i L&LL's gallery! åh, längtarlängtarlängtar! Det är mest bilder på bio-scenen :) Sen när Eclipse börjar filmas får vi se en massa nya bilder på twilight-gänget! Läntgar.


New moon smycke?

åååh.. älskar det här halsbandet från! Som jag skrev tidigare har de superduperfina smycken! När jag ser det här halsbandet tänker jag på New moon.. även fast det är en blomma! :) Hehe.

/ Linnéa A.

Thetwilightsaga dikt.

Om jag kunde.
Om jag kunde drömma om dig varje natt. Då skulle du bli ännu klarare i mina färgstarka drömmar. När jag hör din röst så kan jag knappt stå rakt. Din sammetslena röst skakar om hela min tillvaro. Du gör mig knäsvag och det känns som om jag befinner mig i en bubbla där bara lycka existerar. Jag kan fortfarande höra ljudet av ditt hjärta när du har gått och jag lyssnar tillräckligt noga. Dina rytmiska hjärtslag är som musik för mina öron. Så länge vi båda andas existerar inte tid och rum. Då finns bara - Vi.

Linnéa A - 09.

Wolf-Pack ;)

Här har vi 3 av killarna i Wolf-pack ;) Längtar verkligen till att få se alla i filmen :) 132 dagar kvar.. åh! Räck upp en hand de som ska se New moon premiären, hehe ;D

/ Linnéa A. armband = Bella och Edwards kärlek! har jättefina armband! Jag skulle vilja ha det nedan, o ha dem för att representera Bella's och Edward's kärlek eller nåt, skulle vara coolt :) Vad säger ni?

HÄR är hemsidan :)

Kvällens bild; New moon set!

Vad ska man säga om den här bilden? Bara att man längtar ännu mer! <3

/ Linnéa A.

Kristen på inspelningen :)

Här är en liten video från inspelningen av The runaways. Inte så speciell men man ser ju Kristen iallafall :)


/ Linnéa.

Kristen och Dakota - The runaways (:

Wohoo, lite nya bilder från inspelningen av The runaways! :) Alltså.. ju mer jag ser Kristen i svart hår så gillar jag det mer faktiskt. Kan nästan inte tänka mig att hon haft brunt x) Jag längtar faktiskt tills den här filmen kommer ut :) Gör ni det?

Se alla bilderna HÄR

/ Linnéa A.

Dagens bild.

Ny design :)

Hej alla twilighters ;) Nu har vi bytt header! Vill bara säga att om ni skulle vilja ha en header gjord, så skicka gärna ett mail till; [email protected]!


Ashley Greene - So Beautiful!

Här är några bilder på Ashley - osminkad! Hon är så vacker i både smink och utan. Vad tycker ni om hennes hår?:) Jag tycker att hon är jättefin i kort hår, lite alice stil haha ;)


/ Linnéa A.

Jackson Rathbone (;

Vi börjar morgonen med snyggingen Jackson Rathbone! De två  första bilderna togs för AP magasine, de två nedersta vet jag faktiskt inte. Men han är riktigt snygg på alla bilder måste jag säga :) Om det är nån som undrar när andra kapitlet av  Ripped Apart kommer, så kan jag meddela att det kommer om ett par dagar :) Kram!


/ Linnéa A.

Twilightersforever - Chatbox!

*trumvirvel* nu välkomnar vi våran chatbox! Hehe.. nu har vi iallafall skaffat en chatbox! Där ni kan skriva till oss/eller bara chatta :) Hoppas ni alla har en bra kväll  :) Kramar!

Robert on set :)

Här kommer lite nya bilder från dagens inspelning av Remember Me. Emilie De Ravin är jättesöt måste jag säga :) Robert vet vi ju vad vi tycker om, hehe. Jag har tagit reda på vad Remember Me handlar om också :D

Pattinson plays a young man whose brother's suicide has split up his parents (Brosnan and Olin) and left him sleepwalking through life. De Ravin will play a young woman who, after watching her mother get killed before her eyes, seizes life to its fullest. Cooper is being courted to play her father.

Kvällens bild.

/ Linnéa.

Twilight - Varför har det påverkat oss?

Jag har funderat på en sak. Alla böcker Stephenie Meyer skrivit om Edward och Bella har påverkat oss. Det har berört oss på djupet och på ett magiskt sätt förtrollat oss. När man läser.. man lever sig in i deras värld och kan se allt framför sig. Det har även berört oss på ett sätt man inte kan förklara. Om jag skulle försöka förklara.. så är det allt. Hela historien är helt sagolik och när man väl börjar läsa är det väldigt svårt att sluta. Soundtracket har också påverkat en, när man lyssnar så tänker man på Edward och Bella och deras kärlek.Så nu till min fråga; Varför tror du att den har påverkat dig så mycket? :)


/ Linnéa A.

Robert..för US weekly..

Oj..oj.. bäst att hämta isen! Smält inte bort nu, haha.. Här kommer outtakes från tidningen US Weekly.. alltså, behöver jag säga mer än att man nääästan inte finner några ord? wosh!


/ Linnéa A.

Veckans fråga.

Om du fick en gåva, vilken skulle du vilja ha?

1. Kunna se in i framtiden.
2. Kunna höra andras tankar.
3. Kunna påverka andras känslor.
5. Ha en sköld.

/ Linnéa.

Dagens bild.

Ashley och Kellan :)

Lite klipp från filmen Warrior, där både Ashley Greene och Kellan Lutz är med :) Känns lite konstigt att se dem tillsammans, hallå, Alice och Emmeth? haha! :)


/ Linnéa A.

Kristen Stewart :)

Här är lite bilder på Kristen Stewart från tidningen Entertainment Weekly tror jag =) Åh, hon är ju så fin.. Och hennes hår! Gillar hennes stil, hon går verkligen sin egen väg (På ett bra sätt) haha! :D


/ Linnéa A.

Michael Welch intevju :)

Här är en intervju med Michael Welch (Mike Newton i Twilight) där han pratar om New moon och lite annat :)


Twilight på.. 80-talet?

Om nu twilight skulle ha blivit inspelad på 80-talet, hur skulle det ha sett ut? Kika in videon!


Robert Pattinson!! Wooow, lite bilder från en fotografering Robert gjorde förut!

New pic's of Kristen (;

ÄNTLIGEN! Nu har det kommit ut lite fler bilder på "rockbruden" Kristen! Här är de på väg till inspelningen tror jag. Joan Jett är självklart med haha!

HÄR kan ni se fler bilder!

/ Linnéa A.

Warrior bilder :)

Här kommer lite bilder från filmen Warrior med Ashley Greene och Kellan Lutz. Jag tycker filmen verkar riktigt bra faktiskt :)

"In shock and denial over his Marine father's death in battle, star Lacrosse player Conor Sullivan, always a maverick and a hothead, starts acting out in self-destructive ways that have his mom, Claire, at her wit's end. But arduous training in a wilderness Lacrosse camp under the tutelage of his dad's old combat buddy, Sgt. Major Duke Wayne, opens Conor's eyes to the true meaning of maturity, sportsmanship and manhood..."

Se alla bilder HÄR :)

The runaways.

Här kommer lite bilder på heeela gänget i The runaways! Skådespelarna i filmen alltså :)

Home again!

Halli Hallå, nu är vi hemma! Helt snurriga i huvudet av alla karuseller men vi ska nog få i hop lite uppdatering ändå haha ;) Hoppas alla mår fin fint! Här kommer lite nya bilder från inspelningen av Remember Me :)

Borta över dagen.

Godkväll alla där ute =) I morgon ska jag (Linnéa A) och Linnéa T åka till Grönalund. Så vi blir borta över dagen, men vi kommer igen på kvällen och då blir det uppdatering! Då kan ni även kika in våra privata bloggar för en massa bilder! Hoppas ni mår bra och vi höres i morgon!

Kvällens bild!

Robert Pattinson vid inspelningen :)

Här kommer lite nya bilder från inspelningen av Remember Me.. Robert verkar bli "Beaten up" ganska mycket i filmen!

Kristen för Vanity Fair!

Här är lite bilder som Kristen fotade för Vanity fair :) De två sista är det tror jag.. Hon är bara så vacker! :)


Mer Twilight smycken!

Hur många av er har inte tänkt att ni vill ha Bella's vackra armband? Jag iallafall!! Nu finns det en kollektion full med Twilight-inspirerade smycken. På Bangles Of Hope finns dessa vackra smycken att köpa. Kolla bara där nedan på de andra smyckena.. Armbandet med varulven och hjärtat som hon får i boken <3 åh!

HÄR är Bangles of hopes sida :)


/ Linnéa A.

Fanfiction - Ripped Apart.

Glöm inte att läsa våran Fanfiction Ripped Apart. Kapitel 1 har publicerats här på bloggen och vi arbetar på kapitel 2 just nu :) Så glöm inte att läsa och säg framför allt vad ni tycker =) Kram!

HÄR kan ni hitta vår fanfiction Ripped Apart.

Taylor Lautner stannar för kaffe!

Här har vi lite bilder när Taylor Lautner stannar i Beverly Hills för att köpa kaffe, hehe. Snygg som vanligt är han också!

HÄR kan ni se lite fler bilder :)

/ Linnéa A.

Intervju med Ashley Greene


What is your daily beauty regimen?

Ashley: I started using BORBA products... they're amazing and leave my face glowing. My daily regimen usually consists of the BORBA: Age Defying Micro Diamond Cleanser, Elastin Fiber Concentrate, HD Illuminating light effects serum, Orbital Eye Rejuvenator and the Age Defying Advanced Recovery Cream. To get eye makeup off, I use the Lancome remover. I also use the MAC wipes to get all the makeup off before my regimen. And of course sunscreen...usually Kiehl's or Dermalogica. Dermalogica also has a really great "special clearing booster" for spot treatment on blemishes.  


Is your regimen any different when you're filming?

It's a little more involved on set with hot towel treatments and Demalogica pre-cleanse to get all that white makeup off. We use a lot Dermalogica products...I love the Microfoliant! 


Do you like to wear makeup when not filming, or do you prefer to go natural?

I don't really wear foundation...I prefer tinted moisturizer if anything. Usually after the Borba process I don't need it - my skin is in pretty healthy shape. It's usually Mascara, concealer and lip gloss. 

You recently cut your hair (and it looks great!). Was it for your role as "Alice", or something you wanted to do for yourself?Do you prefer it shorter or longer?


Thanks! I cut it to make my hair fit under the Alice wig properly. I didn't have to go quite so short but I figured it's the only time I would EVER do it. I'm a long hair girl... I've had long hair my whole life. It's cute short, but I'll grow it back out.


In your opinion, what makes someone beautiful?

I think a lot of what makes someone beautiful is how a person presents themselves. I was talking to someone the other day about how I find French woman so beautiful... it's something they possess inherently. I feel like when someone has a zest for life they come off vibrant and beautiful. 


What are your favorite beauty products? 

BORBA (all of which I mentioned) and Dermalogica. I love Matrix sleek products for my hair - they work very well for me. Rose bud lip gloss is the best. YSL has a great illuminating concealer. Shiseido you can't go wrong with either... their tinted moisturizer is great. I also just found this amazing line in Europe called "Becca;" their stuff is amazing... I have to stock up when I go back because it isn't sold in the US!


Who is your beauty icon?

Audrey Hepburn is classically beautiful. 


Did you always want to get into acting? If you weren't acting what would you want to be doing?

I caught the acting bug when I was about 15. I was interested in a lot of things growing up... Law, Sociology, and Psychology mainly. I always loved doing make-up as well.


You hosted the DonateMyDress prom-dress drive, which looked like an amazing event! How was that experience?

It was amazing. Nothing can top that feeling of helping someone else out and seeing their joy. To see first-hand how you can give so much to someone by doing so little is incredible. 


Do you ever have mornings where you wake up and just don't feel beautiful? If so, what do you do to make yourself feel better?

Um, yeah, all the time! No one is perfect, everyone has their insecurities. The gym helps a bit Usually getting out in the fresh air helps you focus on everything around you and not so much on yourself.


When you're not portraying a character, what are your everyday outfits? Are you more of a casual, sweatpants, jeans and t-shirt girl, or do you like to dress up?
I LOVE dressing up on red carpets but in everyday life I am a very Florida-casual, jeans, tee's and flipflops girl. I have so many sweats I don't know where to put them all... I love them!

 What is playing on your ipod right now?


Jason Mraz and Kings of Leon. Oh and always Lady GaGa at the gym!


What is something about you that someone would never guess just from meeting you?

I'm a romantic...but only when I find the right person. Otherwise, I'm like a dude in a relationship.


Where do you see yourself in 10 years (if you're even thinking that far down the line)?

I don't. I can't. I've got so much going on right now... my life is kind of a whirlwind at the moment.


What were you like in high school?

I was just ready to get out.....I like learning, but I get bored easily. I was very social, very involved very independent. I had a lot going on.


Who is your celebrity crush?

Hmmm......Love everyone from Kings of Leon....I've got a crush on the band as a whole. I maaaay have a crush on LiL Wayne and I'm pretty sure I've got a crush on Jackson Rathbone too.


Lip Gloss or Lip Stain?

Gloss... and Chapstick.


Heels or Flats?

Depends.... Almost ALWAYS flat during the day.


/Linnéa T


Twilightfans är vi allihopa, allihopa! 

Men skulle ni kunna ingravera det i eran hud? Det skulle inte jag. Historien kommer att följa mig hela livet, men jag vill inte att den ska göra det på det sättet.

Här är några som vill att den ska följa dem på det sättet.



/Linnéa T

Kristen och Robert rykten som inte är sann!

Alltså.. vad har de för liv egentligen? De hittar på en massa saker som inte är sanna. Den där bilden på hennes mage tillexempel, vi har ju sett så många bilder på henne då och det finns ingen baby-mage. Snacka om att de har slut på idéer, då mååste man ju starta en massa rykten. Stackars Kristen och Robert säger jag bara!

Förlåt om jag låter upprörd men det är ju hemskt.

Hmm.. Nån mage här? Skulle inte tro det!

Stor intervju med Robert Pattinson.

Los 40 Principales magazine gjorde en stor intervju med Robert i februari det här året. Den har bara funnits på Spanska, men nu finns den tillänglig på Engelska och nu svenska. har översatt den till Svenska, så det var ju toppen =)

"För ett år sedan kunde jag inte få en date. Nu har allt förändrats, och jag kan t.o.m. få vilken 14-åring jag vill ha", säger den brittiska skådespelare Robert Pattinson, som har- över en natt- har blivit världskänd med rollen som Edward Cullen.

Mer om Zac Efron... Har du träffat High School Musical-stjärnan?

- Vi träffades på en gala. Han är det nya ansiktet. Men han är allt som jag inte trodde att han skulle vara. Han är ärlig och har båda fötterna på jorden. Man skulle kunna tro att han skulle vara förberedd för all media med det är han inte.

Vad säger fans när de träffar dig in person?

- De har väldigt många åsikter. De har väldigt tydliga idéer om hur jag ska leva mitt liv. Vem visste att 15-åringar kunde vara så moraliska?

Är det sant att du har gjort vampyr-audition för andra filmer tidigare?

- Ja, jag gjorde en audition för True Blood, med det fungerade inte. Jag trodde inte heller att jag skulle få rollen som Edward Cullen, eftersom att den karaktären är väldigt hemlighetsfull och mystisk, så det var lite svårt. Jag ville heller inte spela den där typiska vampyr-rollen, så jag försökte göra honom lite mer mänsklig istället.
   När jag fick rollen så blev många fans väldigt arga... de ville inte ha mig som Edward. Jag fick hatbrev och Internet var full av kommentarer. De tyckte jag skulle se ut som en idiot i rollen.

Förstår du varför Edward får så många tjejer att bli knäsvaga?
- Nej, jag förstår inte varför folk kan vara så besatta. Men det är väl för att han är så artig och är en gentleman och sådant. Jag förstår inte varför tonåringar tycker om sådant.

Kom du bra överrens med Kristen Stewart?

- I början tänkte jag ‘Hon är så allvarlig, måste jag också vara allvarlig då?'. Och sedan pratade jag typ inte med henne på två veckor, Hon måste trott att det var något fel med mig. Jag pratade bara med henne om filmen, andra filmer, böcker, och ja- formella och seriösa grejor. Men jag kände mig som en idiot. Jag släppte det där tillgjorda beteendet, och sedan kom vi överrens jätte bra.

Många tidningar, medior etc. har sagt att det sägs att du är kär i henne, och att du friade till henne under inspelningen av filmen...

- Jag minns inte att jag har gjort det, men om hon har sagt det så är det väl sant.

Hur började din karriär?

- Jag började som modell när jag var 12 år. Jag var den yngsta på den agencyn. Jag var så smal, jag såg ut som en tjej, men då var det verkligen inne att man såg lite feminin ut. Sedan gjorde jag lite amatörjobb inom teatern och så började jag gå på castings.

Och du blev utvald till att spela med i Reese Witherspoons film Vanity Fair...

- Ja, men min roll blev borttagen från filmen. Det var så jag kom med i Harry Potter. Regissören fick dåligt samvete.

Varför fick du inga fler roller efter Harry Potter?
- Jag gick på flertalet auditions med de sa att jag var läskig...

Och så skickade din manager dig till LA för att göra fler auditions och sedan fick du rollen som Edward Cullen. Blev du inte tagen till någon sorts ‘media training' efter att du fick rollen som Edward?

- Jo, fast min manager fick meddelanden från media-träningen som sa att ‘Han vägrar träningen!' (skrattar) Jag ville inte lära mig att svara som en robot. Inte ens små barn tycker om att höra samma svar hela tiden, det är tråkigt!

Vad har du pysslat med sedan Twilight blev klar?

- Jag har bott i LA. Jag lärde mig köra bil, och sedan 'upptäckte' jag staden, så att säga. Det är väldigt annorlunda om man jämför med London. Det finns inte så många pubbar, och folk här förstår inte att det är normalt att bara gå ut och dricka en öl. De tycker att det är bizzart.

Har du en bil än?

- En cabriolet 1989 BMW. Fast själva den grejen som man fäller upp är trasig. Knappen som fäller upp den började brinna... och nu ser baksätet ut som en soptipp för jag har en massa gamla grejor där. Och jag hoppas att den röda grejen som började lysa nyligen inte är något som jag borde oroa mig för (skrattar).

Har du fått många nya vänner i Hollywood?

- Några stycken. De flesta är inom filmindustrin. Jag går ut med promoters och PR-folk. Jag blir alltid fotograferad när jag är på de mest skruttigaste ställena. Det är pinsamt. Jag var på pubbar varje dag men så förstod jag att folk måste tro att jag är typ en alkoholist.

Vad gör du på fritiden?

- Jag är en musiker. Jag vet att alla skådespelare säger att de är musiker, men jag har verkligen hållit på i flera år. Jag hat spelat piano sedan jag var fyra, och gitarr sedan jag var fem. Jag har nyligen börjat spela blues och liknande. Jag är inte bra, men jag är inte heller dålig.

Du spelade i små barer innan...?

- Jag gjorde det några gånger, men sedan började folk filma mig och publicerade det på youtube. De förstörde själva grejen. Nu skulle det vara omöjligt att göra så igen.

Vem är din favoritmusiker?

- Van Morrison. Jag äger alla hans skivor.

Din syster är också inom musikindustrin, eller?

- Lizzy har en väldigt känd låt med henne bans Aurora. Min andra syster jobba inom reklambranschen. Jag är yngst.

De behandlade dig som sin docka, eller?

- Jo, det klädde ut mig som en tjej! (skrattar) Men allt förändrades när jag fyllde 12.

Du spelar Salvador Dalí i din nästa film, hur var det?
- Ja, både bra och dåligt. Jag blev helt besatt av Dalí och läste allt om honom som jag kunde få tag i. Det är min första roll som jag har kunnat dra paralleller till. Han vas otroligt konstig, men det känns som om jag förstår honom. Han var väldigt, väldigt blyg.

Det ser ut som om du har en ljus framtid..

- Det är kul och se hur saker och ting förändras. Efter att ha varit arbetslös under en sådan lång tid så börjar man tänka 'Jag ska aldrig förstöra för mig själv igen'. Så nu tänker jag bara på det. Det enda jag oroar mig för är att jag ska förstöra för mig själv igen. Jag vill inte vara en idiot och jag tror att det är möjligt att nå upp till det målet.

Dagens bild.

Dagens bild! utan vattenstämpel dessutom, weey. Färgerna..robert och kristen.. allt.. Så jäkla vackert!

Dagens bild.

Dagens bild! utan vattenstämpel dessutom, weey. Färgerna..robert och kristen.. allt.. Så jäkla vackert!


Här kommer lite musik tips! Jag har plockat ut fina låtar, precis som Edward och Bellas kärlek. Så lyssna och njut! (Om ni har spotify, klicka. Annars äre ju bara att söka på Youtube :))

Muse - Supermassive Black Hole
Evanescense - My immortal
Jimmy Eat world - Hear you me
A Fine Frenzy - Come on, come out
Avril Lavigne - Im with you
Boys Like Girls - Thunder
Green Day - Wake me up when september Ends

/ Linnéa.

New moon.

Kollade nyss på New moon trailern.. som jag gjort såå många gånger, får rysningar varje gång!

 Tiffanyd666's Remix av New moon trailern (SJUKT BRA!)

 Tiffanyd666's Fanmade video. Den här gjorde hon för ca. 1 år sedan. Super bra den med!

/ Linnéa A.

Forks Guide book.

Om du någon gång vill besöka Forks på riktigt kan det ju vara bra att ha en guide till hands! Det har nämnligen gjorts guide bok om just Forks (; Där Bella och resten av twilight gänget bor! (Man kan ju alltid drömma..) Jag skulle verkligen vilja åka dit!


/ Linnéa A.

New moon fanmade video.

Den otroligt begåvade Tiffanyd666 (Hennes youtube konto namn) har gjort en ny video. Hennes remix till New moon trailern har fått mycket uppmärksamhet! Hon är otroligt duktig när hon klipper i hop de olika klippen. Nu har hon gjort en video som ska beskriva lite hur Bella känner i New moon. Återigen; Ni som inte läst New moon ska nog kanske inte kolla.

Så här beskriver hon sin video:
Set within New Moon, this video represents Bella's loneliness and isolation. The only thing she has left of Edward is her memories (the good and bad), which she constantly gives over too replaying; and in turn, creates distance and strains on her friendships. Her mind begins to play tricks on her as she starts to see Edward, only to seconds later disappear. So she retreats back into her memories, to where she will hold on to him forever.

Godnatt =)


Måste bara säga - Det är jättekul att få positiva kommentarer om vår blogg =) Välkommen ni som nyss hittat hit! Här finns det mycket att läsa om :)

Vår Fanfiction bland annat ;) Kramar!

Joan Jett.

Eftersom att Joan Jett är gaanska aktuell så bjuder jag på en riktigt bra låt hon gjort :D

Klicka här om ni har spotify!

Ashley Greene outfits.

Vilken outfit tycker du är snyggast? :) Självklart är Ashley vacker i allt men är någon outfit din favorit?=)

1. Sofistikerad i svart och grått?

2. Cool i gult och en söt väska?

3. Sockersöt i en underbart fin röd klänning?

4. Snygga skor, cool "jacka" och en tight kjol?

5. Hollywood svall, röda läppar och en beige klänning?

Frågestund Svar :)

Här är svaren från mig! (Linnéa A) Hoppas ni får svar på det ni ville veta! =)

Hur gammal är du?

sv: Jag är 15 och ett halvt år gammal, haha :)

vilken scen i twilight är din favorit?
sv: Min favorit scen är nog när de är på ängen, hehe.

vilken låt med robert pattsison tycker du är bäst?
sv: Never think :)

vilka bloggar läser du?
sv: Hmm.. jag läser lite olika! alla möjliga olika twilight bloggar,, och stinalee's :)

vad tycker du är bäst, filmen eller böckerna?
sv: Hmm, jag måste nog säga böckerna.

vad gör du/ ni på fritiden?
sv: På fritiden så fotar jag väldigt mycket, målar, är ute och umgås med vänner =)

Vilken sorts musik lyssnar du på?
sv: Hehe.. Jag lyssnar på lite allt möjligt. Är en allätare! Men om jag måste säga ett band som jag gillar otroligt mycket så är det Paramore. Så nåt i det stuket!

Vilken är din favorit-Twilight bok?
sv: Kan inte välja mellan New moon och Breaking Dawn! Båda!

vilka bloggar läser du dagligen?
sv:,,, twilightsweden osv :)

Hur många besökare har du/ni ungefär?
sv: Jadu, det har gått uppåt ganska mycket på sistone :) Vi har ju inte bloggat så länge men vi har ganska många tycker vi -_- Hehe!

hur mycket väger du?
sv: Jag väger ganska exakt 60 kg.

hur lång är du?
sv: Jag är 1.76 cm lång, hehe.

Vilken är din favoritbok i Twilight Saga?
sv: Kan inte välja mellan New moon och Breaking Dawn! hehe.

Hur upptäckte du twilight serien? genom böckerna eller filmen?

sv: Genom filmen. Blev helt fast först när jag såg filmen på bio, ååh.

har du läst alla Böcker i serien? tänkte eftersom att du sa att du ar ny i twilight världen :)
sv: Ja det har jag gjort :) Jag har gillat twilight länge, men inte bloggat så länge, hehe.

New pics of Robert Pattinson.

Här är lite nya bilder på Robert Pattinson när han är på jobbet, haha. Bilderna är tydligen från tidigare idag!

I will be.

När jag lyssnar på den här låten tänker jag på Edward och Bella.. alltså, texten är så vacker. Precis som deras kärlek! (p.s, skriv en till fråga i frågestunden nedan nu medans du är här:) )

There's nothing I could say to you
Nothing I could ever do to make you see
What you mean to me
All the pain, the tears I cried
Still you never said goodbye
And now I know how far you'd go

I know I let you down
But it's not like that now
This time I'll never let you go

I will be all that you want
And get myself together
'cus you keep me from falling apart
All my life
I'll be with you forever
To get you through the day
And make everything okay

I thought that I had everything
I didn't know what life could bring
But now I see, honestly
You're the one thing I got right
The only one I let inside
Now I can breathe 'cus you're here with me

And if I let you down
I'll turn it all around
'cus I will never let you go

I will be all that you want
And get myself together
'cus you keep me from falling apart
All my life
I'll be with you forever
To get you through the day
And make everything okay

'cus without you I can't sleep
I'm not gonna ever ever let you leave
You're all I've got
You're all I want
And without you
I don't know what I'd do
I could never ever live a day without you
Here with me do ya see
You're all I need

And I will be all that you want
And get myself together
'cus you keep me from falling apart
All my life (my life)
I'll be with you forever (forever)
To get you through the day
And make everything okay (okay)
I will be all that you want (I'll be)
And get myself together (get myself together)
'cus you keep me from falling apart
And all my life
You know I'll be with you forever
To get you through the day
And make everything okay

Vampire baseball!

Här kommer fler bilder från Vampire Baseball, den här gången In Action ;) Haha! De verkar iallafall ha haft riktigt roligt =)


Being Human.

Jag och Linnéa T såg nyss ett avsnitt på SVT play av serien Being Human. Det handlar bl.a om vampyrer, varulvar och ett spöke. Man får följa dem när de kämpar att dölja sina identiteter och mer.. Vi tycker att det var rätt så bra :) Så kika in det första avsnittet HÄR! Annars går det kl. 21.00 på Söndagar.

Glöm inte frågestunden och vår fanfiction :)

Kellan Lutz :)

Kellan Lutz var och firade USA:s Independence day! ååh, snygg han är då! Haha.. kolla bara in blicken på första bilden haha! Hoppas ni alla mår superduper där ute i Sverige :D Glöm inte att kika in vår fanfiction, den hittar ni under kategorin Fanfiction - Ripped Apart. Kramar!


/ Linnéa A.

Alex Meraz och Kiowa Gordon!

Här är två bilder från Vampire Baseball i Portland, haha.. Alex Meraz and Kiowa Gordon höll på o dryga med varandra, haha!  De är så söta på första bilden (:



Interview with Peter Facinelli ;)

Här är ännu en intervju med the hot vampire dad ;)haha.. Han är ju het som vanlig pappa också, Aja men här kommer den!

We know "Twilight" fans can get pretty batty. Any close encounters?

They save all that for Rob Pattinson! My character is more of a patriarch figure, and the fans have been very respectful. I'm pretty easygoing and I stop and take a lot of pictures with them. Sometimes I find the more you try to run away from it, the harder it is. For Rob, it's very overwhelming. For me, it's the right amount. The perfect amount.

Are there any scenes from the books that you hope make it into the films?

For "New Moon," there's a scene with Bella (Kristin Stewart) where I stitch her up. I was excited to shoot that scene because it was a pivotal scene. It kind of sets up the whole reason why Rob's character doesn't want to change her into a vampire. I hope it stays in the movie because I feel like it's essential and it's a really nice scene for Carlisle and Bella; it's an intimate thing. It's a scene where a lot of information is being given and it shows another side of Carlisle, a soft side of him that I like. I'd be bummed if that was out.

Ever run into a fake Peter Facinelli on Twitter?

There's a Peter Faceinelli that just came onboard. He has 14 followers. The guy can't even spell my name right, so he is obviously not me, but for some reason those 14 people think he is.

Have you ever been as rabid a fan of something as these "Twilight" fans are?

No. I've got to hand it to Twilight fans. [A] guy flew from Denver for an autograph signing; I don't think there's anyone that I would get on an airplane and fly to get an autograph from. That's a diehard fan, and I'm very humbled. That's why I try to go out of my way when I see fans to give back.

How do you deal with the paparazzi?

They're going to take the picture anyway, so I tend to stop and wave and then keep going on my way. I try to remind myself it's a picture in a paper, it's going run and it's going to be gone. It sucks if you've been on an airplane for six hours and you're tired and you look like junk and they want to shove a camera in your face, it's annoying in that respect, but I try to take it all with a grain of salt and move forward.

Do you see much of the cities you travel to for conventions?

It's usually a quick trip, but you get the sense of the towns through the people. I'm excited to visit Atlanta; I've never been. I'm looking forward to meeting the people there. [Conventions are] great because a lot of people live far from L.A .and New York, and it's fun to spread it out all over. As cast members, we've gotten to go and visit some really great places.

Do you like burgers? If so, you've got to check out the Vortex while you're here.

Yeah, I love burgers. We'll go to the Vortex. You'll have to take me there


Kvällens bild.

Längtalängtalängta.. 137 dagar kvar! Om 15 dagar är det fyra månader kvar.. gaah!

Twilightersforever Frågestund.

Haha, jaa.. Eftersom att vi är ganska nya i twilightbloggvärlden (kan man säga så?) Så ni kanske vill veta lite mer om oss som skriver.. Jag har skrivit lite mer de senaste veckan för att de andra är på semester osv :) Så nu får ni fråga mig om vad som helst, twilight, min musiksmak m.m! Så fråga på :) Jag säger stopp när det är stopp, haha!

Vampire Baseball.

Hittade bilder på Twifans,com från vampíre baseball i Portland :) Fans fick träffa dem och de skrev autografer.. åhh.. om man ändå bodde där? x)


/Linnéa A.


Hej hopp! Hoppas ni mår bra där ute för det gör jag hihi! Det är liite tomt på inspelningsbilder för tillfället (Kristen, vart är du?) men vi hoppas att det kommer ut nya snart :) Glöm inte att kika in våran fanfiction HÄR! Kramar.

Entertainment Weekly outtakes :)

Det har kommit 14 st helt nya (och snygga/fina/underbara.. hehe) bilder på bla robert och kristen! :) Jag älskar den här fotograferingen. Det är en av mina favoriter! Sjuukt fina bilder på dem.

HÄR kan ni se alla outtakes från fotograferingen ! :D

Vampire Baseball.

I går så var några av Twilight-stjärnorna och spelade Vampire Baseball i Portland ;) Vampyrlaget hade "Strumporna" som man kan se på bild 2.. Haha! Deras maskot var tydligen hunden, aaawww.. Den tredje bilden är innan de började spela =)

Warrior, video!

Här kommer även en liten intervju med Ashley Greene och Kellan Lutz om just filmen Warrior (;


Här är lite bilder från Kellan Lutz och Ashley Greene's gemensamma inspelning. De ska båda vara med i filmen Warriors =)


Catch that kid.

Nån som ska stanna uppe och se Catch that kid som börjar 03.35? Jag (Linnéa A) och andra Linnéa ska se den =) Haha! Kristen Stewart är med i den =) Och Corbin Bleu (Hsm)


Fanfiction respons!

Tack så jättemycket för responsen av vår fanfiction :) Det kommer definitivt mer kapitel kan vi lova :) Hoppas alla mår bra där ute i Sverige! Här kommer iallafall kvällens bild ( Eller nattens) haha! Kramar från linneorna.

Fanfiction; Ripped Apart.

Här kommer vår fanfiction Ripped Apart! :) Skriv gärna vad ni tyckte om den sedan :)

Att få vara med Bella i alla dessa år och få se hennes ljuva ansikte har varit obeskrivligt. Hennes händer inflätade i mina. De stunder som vi haft sen dag ett är helt otroliga och varje dag är speciell på sitt sätt. Just den här dagen för åtta år sedan hade det kunnat gått illa. Trots att det var så länge sedan så kunde jag än se Aro's ansikte, där på ängen. Hans röda ögon som sökte efter svagheter. Men han fann inga. Bella Cullen hade gjort honom för svag för att kunna tänka. Hon räddade oss från en hel klan - Volturi. Att se Jane så frustrerad hade varit skrattretande. Hennes styrka tryktes ner till botten och vi kunde se frustrationen i hennes mörka ögon. Den dagen mindes vi alla så väl. Näthinnan kom ihåg alla detaljer och kunde mycket väl spela upp allt. Vi alla hade skyddat varandra och de vi älskade mot döden. Nu när jag har fått se min dotter växa upp har varit något av de bästa med mitt liv. Hon är hälften av mig och hälften av Bella. De veckorna som Renesmee hade funnits inuti Bella hade tagit kål på mig. Men att jag skulle få se henne växa upp och bli en kvinna hade jag aldrig förväntat mig. Att hon beundrade hela vår familj var självklart. Men det kunde aldrig slå hur vi ser upp till henne.

Den här dagen hade vi planerat en utflykt i skogen. Bella och jag skulle för första gången på år återvända till den plats som vi upplevt att våran kärlek var stark för första gången. Sen vår flytt hade vi ofta besökt Charlie men aldrig gjort något annat i Forks - Den staden där de första kapitlen i våra liv tillsammans skrevs.

Jag reagerade på att någonting gick sönder i köket. Så många gånger hade Jacob varit klumpig nog att ha ner Esme's finaste porslin. Men den här gången var det den fina kristallvasen som Carlisle hade gett henne på deras bröllopsdag. De vita rosorna låg utspridda på golvet tillsammans med kristallskärvorna från vasen. Jacob sprang ut ur rummet så fort att jag inte ens han lyfta ett finger. Esme kom in i rummet och såg vad som hänt. "Se nu Jake vad du har ställt till med!" sa Esme med en ledsam ton. Jacob verkade inte ha planer på att svara. "Jag tar hand om det här, Edward" Esme städade fort upp och jag gick till vardagsrummet där min vackra fru stod. "Bella, älskling?" Jag gick fram och tog hennes ansikte mellan mina händer och kysste henne. Hon vände sig om och omfamnade mig. "Du förstår inte hur mycket jag saknar dig när du lämnar min sida" sa hon med en suck. "Men nu står jag här. Och du verkar inte vilja släppa taget!" sa jag, och skrattade retsamt. "Du gissar rätt faktiskt." sa hon och höll om mig hårdare den här gången. Hon såg rakt in i mina ögon, och kysste mig. Våra kalla läppar möttes och våran lust ville något mer. Men vi stod faktiskt i vardagsrummet och jag glömde helt bort att vi skulle åka nu. Jag kände att någon stod och iaktog oss. "Ehm, brorsan, inte för att störa.. men bilen står utrullad och klar, så det är bara att köra iväg!" Emmeth flinade och kunde inte hålla sig för skratt. Tid med Bella kunde få mig att tappa tidsbegreppet helt. Hur mycket jag än ville stå kvar, så var jag faktiskt exalterad över den här dagen. "Bella, det är dags att åka. Hennes händer gled långsamt ur greppet och hon tog min hand. Jag log mot henne och hon besvarade leendet. "Låt oss få det här överstökat!" fast egentligen visste jag att hon var lika förväntansfull som jag.

Väl vid parkeringen hoppade vi in i bilen och vinkade till de andra i familjen. Eftersom jag inte har tillgång till Bellas tankar, så kunde jag se att något bekymrade henne. Hon tröck fingrarna mot tinningar som att hon ville trycka bort smärta. "Bella, hur är det med dig?" sa jag, med en försiktig ton för att inte göra henne upprörd. "Jag bara funderar över hur lycklig jag är. Kommer det alltid vara så här? Det känns som att jag är lyckligast i världen och när som helst kan allt slitas ur mina händer." hon såg på mig med sina vackra ögon. Jag kunde inte undgå att börja fundera på det hon sa. "Vi ska bara blicka framåt i framtiden. Ingen kan ta den ifrån oss" sa jag och försökte låta lugn. Men istället så lät jag nästan helt oberörd av ämnet. Hon la sin hand i min och vi såg varanda djupt in i ögonen.

Vi parkerade våran bil precis där vi parkerat den för många år sedan. Vi såg på varandra, och inget hade egentligen förändrats. Det kändes som i går. Vi sprang, fort genom skogen. Förut hade Bella suttit på min rygg, men nu kunde vi springa hand i hand. Ängen såg ut som den hade gjort för 10 år sedan. Skogen var vacker och små ljusglimtar trängde igenom den täta skogen. Det var här vi som vi verkligen visade vad vi känner för varandra. Det var så länge sedan, men det kändes som i går. Här hade jag visat mina krafter, och hon hade accepterat det som att det var världens simplaste sak, att jag är en vampyr. Det hade jag alltid beundrat henne för. Vi satte oss ner i det vild vuxna gräset. Solen slöt tryggt kring våra kroppar och vi skimmrade tillsammans. Jag tog hennes hand mellan mina och kysste den.

Fanfiction premiär!

/ Línnéorna!

Följ Twilightersforever med Blog lovin ;)


Kram från oss!

Intervju med Peter Facinelli.

Här är en liten intervju som gjordes med Peter Facinelli innan han skulle åka till Vampire Baseball game i Portland :) han få en liten pratstund med honom :D

Peter Facinelli is on a family road trip driving up the West Coast in an RV with Jennie Garth and their three daughters heading to the Vampire Baseball Game in Portland, Oregon on Saturday, July 4. As Carlisle Cullen, Peter has become a Twilight fan favorite and spoke with him Friday while he took a break from driving and Jennie cooked up bacon and eggs for the family breakfast in the RV. How is the trip going?
Peter Facinelli: It's really pretty; I'm sitting outside the motor home park right now it's really beautiful. There's no coast but it's beautiful. It looks a lot like Twilight. There are lots of big tall pine trees.

RO: Are you a safe driver?
PF: Well I had a rough patch last month, I got four tickets in three weeks all for different things, I was some kind of police magnet, I don't know why. I'm going to fight all of them; you never want to admit you're wrong. I should go there in person and fight all of them.

RO: Tell us about the baseball game tomorrow?
PF: We're going to test our vampire baseball skills in front of a large crowd and I think a lot of people are going to find out that a lot of the cast member s don't know how to throw a ball and they just made us look good. The Make-A-Wish Foundation asked if I would play and I thought it was for a really good cause. I like doing charity events because I think it's important to give back. I played baseball when I was younger but I haven't played in a long time, so it should be fun. I hope Rachelle's on my team. She's the one with the wicked curve ball, right? I don't know, I'm showing up with my old oiled glove and waiting to see where the coach puts me. I don't even know who the coach is. I might be the coach for all I know. I think Carlisle should definitely be the coach. The difference is tomorrow there are no special effects, whatever speed we run and however we hit the ball is the real deal. We're going to have no stunt doubles tomorrow.

RO: Did you have a stunt double while filming Twilight?
PF: I didn't because I didn't have to do that much, all I had to do was slide into second base which they actually gave me a stunt double for but I told them I think I can handle this. So I practiced. It was supposed to be a super slide so I jumped off a little mini tramp and so it was fun. I like doing stunts, stunts are fun for me. I try to do as many of them as I can. During the slide I bruised up my leg pretty bad.

RO: Good thing you play a doctor, were you able to self medicate?
PF: Yes, a little ice and I was fine. I took two aspirin and I called myself in the morning.

RO: When I would take trips with my family our Dad would threaten to pull over and spank us every time, do you ever have to do that?
PF: Only three times a day. Don't make me pull this 34 foot RV over, don't make me do it!

RO: What do your girls think about Daddy getting recognized on the street?
PF: I think they're getting used to it. It's a little time consuming but I just try to give back to the fans. When I was growing up and I went over to the guy to get an autograph and he said no because they were too busy you would go home with that, so I try to really go out of my way to make sure that I'm good to the fans because they've been so good to us.

RO: Are you looking forward to getting back to Vancouver?
PF: Yeah, it's so quick. It's like a blink of an eye and we're shooting the third one already. I had a little time this summer to hang with my family, then we're going to New York to see my folks, and then I think we're going to Hawaii for a week. I'm trying to spend as much time as I can with my family because in August I'm busy with the clips and then I'm going to do the second season of Nurse Jackie.

RO: Have you read the script for the third movie?
PF: No, I haven't. I'm supposed to be getting it next week.

RO: Is there anything you would change for your character?
PF: I wish that he didn't disappear so much. I would have had him go to Italy and do more. He knows the all the Volturi and he could have helped smooth things over. Maybe had a cappuccino with them and said "Hey, you know, this isn't cool." And I don't want to give it away for people who haven't read the fourth book, but like any typical doctor when the baby is due, he's not there. He's off on the ninth hole somewhere playing golf; I was like, what's going on?

RO: Have you given Rob and Kristen any advice about dealing with the fame?
PF: I don't think there's any advice to be given. It's a learning curve. Even for me, I've been working for 15 years and I've never had the kind of fan base this movie has. People always come up to me and said they like me in my old movies but with a movie like this when I walk somewhere people's faces actually drop when they see me or fans will scream when they see us. That takes some getting used to; I wish someone would give me some advice. If people are watching, what are you going to do with that? You turn it around and try to do positive things like work with the Make-A-Wish Foundation. I feel very lucky to be able to do that.

RO: What is filming like, do you have a good time?
PF: We like to be around each other. We hang out a lot together after work. For me it's very much like a family, I like being with them and I like when we're all together. Especially when we're all in scenes together, that's always fun. It's a good cast; it's a good bunch of people. We all like each other so that's important. Rachelle is the tour guide when we're up there, she's Canadian and she tells us all the good places to go.

RO: What did you think about doing a vampire movie?
PF: When I got a phone call from my agent asking if I wanted to do a vampire movie I didn't want to do it, so I read the book in a day and I fell in love with it. I thought it was a great story. It's like a throwback to the old Bella Lugosi movies where it had the mystery and seductiveness of the old stories. That is why I enjoyed vampire movies. Somewhere along the line they became horror zombie movies and so that's what I thought when I first heard of it, but when I read it and realized that it wasn't about that I said sign me up!



HÖRRNI! GLÖM INTE ATT KIKA IN HÄR! o säg vad ni tycker och om vi ska publicera den :) Kram!

Breaking Dawn blir film nu!

Nu är det alltså helt klart.. jag kan knappt fatta det alltså. Ashley Greene säger att de ska börja spela in direkt efter de har spelat in Eclipse, som de ska börja spela in 17 Augusti. Breaking Dawn & New moon är mina favoritböcker, så jag kan knappt vänta! Men det är inte klart än vem som ska regissera filmen.

Vilken är er favoritbok?:D

HÄR står det lite mer om det hela :)

Remember Me.

Lite nya bilder från inspelningen av Remember Me. Här spelar dom in när det är kväll =) Hon är lyckligt lottad hon kan man ju säga ;)

Fler bilder hittar du HÄR :)

17 frågor med Robert.

Här kommer 17 st frågor med självaste Robert pattinson! Det är ganska gammalt, men kul att läsa! x)

F: När fick du din första kyss?
S: 12

F: Vem har du en kändiscrush på?
S: Kristen Stewart!

F: Vilken trend på en tjej gör dig förvirrad?
S: Uggs!

F: Vilken tjejfilm är det du älskar i hemlighet?
S: Pippi Långstrump

F: Vilka tvserier älskar du att frossa i?
S: American Idol och X Factor (Brittiska versionen av Idol)

F: Vem skulle spela dig i en film om dig och ditt liv?
S: Jag skulle spela mig själv eftersom jag säkert inte kommer att bli anställd efter det här!

F: Vad är ditt drömjobb?
S: Att vara en pianist.

F: Om du fick byta plats med vem som helst i hela världen för en dag, vem skulle du välja?
S: Någon som har mycket respect och makt, George Bush, antagligen.

F: Vem i din familj är du närmast?
S: Min hund, Patty.

F: Vilken är din favorit sida på internet?
S: Youtube

F: Vilken snabbmat kan du inte leva utan?
S: Det är typ all snabbmat, min favorit är nog In_N-Out Burger.

F: Vilken är din värsta ovana?
S: Att jag pratar för mycket.

F: Vilken var den senaste låten du lyssnade på på din Ipod?
S: Jag minns inte exakt vilken låt, men det var något med James Brown från the Black Ceasar Soundtrack.

F: Vad var den senaste saken du köpte?
S: Toalettpapper!

F: Vad drömde du om inatt?
S: Kristen Stewart!

F: Hur mycket pengar har du i din plånbok just nu?
S: Tusentals dollars!

F: Fyll i den tomma raden: När jag var 17 var jag _________________.
S: Så mycket coolare för jag visste mindre om mig själv.


/ Linnéa A.


En bild som jag gjorde nyss, hehe.


/ Linnéa A.

Twilight Fanfiction.

Smakprov av en fanficion av Linnéa A & Linnéa T.

Att få vara med Bella i alla dessa år och få se hennes ljuva ansikte har varit obeskrivligt. Hennes händer inflätade i mina. De stunder som vi haft sen dag ett är helt otroliga och varje dag är speciell. Just den här dagen för åtta år sedan hade det kunnat gått illa. Trots att det var så länge sedan så kunde jag än se Aro's ansikte, där på ängen. Hans röda ögon som sökte efter svagheter. Men han fann inga. Bella Cullen hade gjort honom för svag för att kunna tänka. Hon räddade oss från en hel klan - Volturi. Att se Jane så frustrerad hade varit skrattretande. Hennes styrka tryktes ner till botten och vi kunde se frustrationen i hennes mörka ögon. Den dagen mindes vi alla så väl. Näthinnan kom ihåg alla detaljer och kunde mycket väl spela upp allt. Vi alla hade skyddat varandra och de vi älskade mot döden. Nu när jag har fått se min dotter växa upp har varit något av de bästa med mitt liv. Hon är hälften av mig och hälften av Bella. De veckorna som Renesmee hade funnits inuti Bella hade tagit kål på mig. Men att jag skulle få se henne växa upp och bli en kvinna hade jag aldrig förväntat mig. Att hon beundrade hela vår familj var självklart. Men det kunde aldrig slå hur vi ser upp till henne.

Säg vad ni tycker :)

Veckans fråga.

Om du skulle få umgås med Robert Pattinson för en dag, vad skulle du vilja att ni gjorde?

1. Går på nåt roligt nöjesfält och åker en massa roliga karuseller!
2. Går och äter på nån fin resturang och bara umgås =)
3. Sitter hemma och ser nån riktigt bra film.
4. Spela tv-spel.
5. Vara ute och kanske spela baseball?;)
6. Följa med han på nån inspelning han håller på med :)

Veckans Citat.

Ojoj, vi har glömt att göra Veckans citat! I förra gången så vann : JOHANNA =) Så, nu kör vi i gång igen då.. O glöm inte inlägget nedan om Fanfiction, det är ni som bestämmer förstår ni =)

Så här går det till!
Så nu kommer jag förklara lite om veckans citat. Om jag skriver tillexempel; And so the lion fell in love with the lamb.. Så ska du skriva vart i filmen som det sägs.. tex; Det är i skogen när Bella och Edward står emot varandra. Den som svarar rätt först får en länkning!

Alice said that she saw me like you..

Så nu är det bara att klura ut vart i filmen :)

Remember me day 10!

En video där man får se lite när de spelar in Remember me och mer :) Haha lyssna vid 2.17, haha! Det är nån som sjunger "Man in the mirrror" Haha!


/ Linnéa A.

Dagens bild(er); Edward och Bella <3

Jag har gjort kollaget!

/Linnéa a.

Kellan Lutz.

En liten söt intervju på Kellan Lutz... Han berättar lite kort om new moon :) + att han har en kaka i handen och äter haha x)

Jaspers raggningsrepliker ;)

haha! Här kommer lite raggningsrepliker aka jasper ;) sjukt kul, läs! Godnatt gott folk :)

10. You seem a little tense. Would you like a chill pill or just a hit of me?

9. How are you feeling? Oh, wait, don't tell me ... let me guess.

8. I must really be dead, Angel, ‘cause this has to be heaven!

7. It's not my fault I fell in love. Your emotions are what tripped me.

6. Your lips may say no, but your endorphins say yes.

5. I can feel the love tonight ... wanna share?

4. My name is Jasper...but you can call me Dr. Feelgood.

3. I know exactly how you feel. Wanna know how I feel?

2. So...did you ever hear the saying ‘everything's bigger in Texas'?

1. Hey, Darlin', do you want to see my battle scars?


Jackson Rathbone pics!

Woooosh, här kommer lite bilder på Jackson Rathbone från en fotografering.. vad har ni att säga om bilderna? Själv säger jag: Snygg!


/ Linnéa A.

New moon myspace =)

Ni får inte glömma att kika in den officiella (och nyöppnade) New moon myspace sidan :) Var in där nyss o trailern åkte i gång, shit vad man längtar! <3 klicka HÄR för att komma till New moon myspace.

/ Linnéa A.

30 Things you learn from Twilight.

Här kommer en lista med saker som man lär sig av twilight, haha! Den är riktigt bra! Haha nr 16 är lite småkul haha ^^

30 things you learn from twilight:

1. You can enjoy the banquet while resisting the wine.
2. The future is not set in stone.
3. Men are crabby when they're hungry.
4. Nothing beats an irritable grizzly bear.
5. True love knows no boundaries.
6. Some people are just danger magnets.
7. Even eternal enemies can work together to save something they love.
8. Forget the fangs - real vampires sparkle!
9. Soul mates exist, even if it takes 100 years to find them.
10. Porshe 911 Turbos make really great bribes.
11. Friendship is like the sun on a cloudy day.
12. Snow just means it's too cold for rain.
13. Family is about more than just blood.
14. What's worth doing is worth over-doing.
15. Losing your temper can be hair-raising.
16. "Vegetarian" has many meanings.
17. Even monsters can hold on to their humanity.
18. There are exceptions to every rule.
19. Always verify bad news before doing something stupid.
20. Hearing voices in your head doesn't necessarily mean you're crazy.
21. Love means being willing to sacrifice your happiness for another's.
22. Cold hands = Warm heart.
23. Not breathing is uncomfortable.
24. Stupid lambs and masochistic lions make quite a pair.
25. Romeo was an idiot.
26. Twilight is the saddest and safest time of day.
27. Extreme sports should not be attempted alone.
28. Life is worth very little without someone to share it with.
29. Space heaters can be very annoying.
30. Love can make even the most miserable places paradise

Källa: (som fick den av Cassi da queen)

/Linnéa A.

Rosalie som docka!

Hmm.. Det har alltså kommit ut en docka som ska föreställa Rosalie. Jag vet inte riktigt om jag tycker det var såå superduperlikt. Men  lite iallafall. Men det är ju svårt att få en docka att lika exakt.. Vad tycker ni? :)



/Linnea A.

Detaljer; New moon postern.

Hej på er alla :) Gjorde en bild med lite Newmoonposter detaljer :)Hehe! Hoppas alla mår bra.. glöm inte inlägget här under!

Linnéa A.


Robert Pattinson on set!

Robert Pattinson och Emile De Ravin spelar in en scen ur Remember Me.. Ibland önskar man att man var hon.. eller inte ibland, utan alltid! Hehe. Kram!

Vill du se fler bilder på dem? Klicka HÄR.

/ Linnéa A.

Kellan Lutz for OK! Magasine.

Här kommer lite bilder som togs när Kellan Lutz (Emmeth) skulle vara med i Ok! Magasine. Han ser snygg ut.. woho! haha! Idag ska jag bort över dagen men kommer hem på eftermiddagen :) Hoppas ni klarar er! Kram!

Intervjun som han gjorde :)

What is your typical day like on the set of New Moon, the sequel to Twilight?

New Moon was a very relaxed film to work on and it all starts with how easy going director Chris Wietz is. That vibe rolls down to the crew and actors. It makes it so easy when we've all worked together before. Everything was so well organized, making it easy for the actors to do our job. We had more time to just laugh and make jokes and hang out; it's important to have a cast that gels the way we do and you'll see that more in the second film.

The entire cast of Twilight and New Moon has gone from Hollywood new faces to overnight international sensations - has that been a bonding experience for all of you?

It's amazing what Twilight has done for the cast! It has opened up so many doors for us all.  It is such a blessing to be a part of the phenomenon that is Twilight. It's a dream come true!  We are all very close and stay close on set as well as off.  We play board games, go out to dinner and just hang out.  It's amazing to be able to work with such a talented group of actors.

How did you prepare to play Emmett in New Moon?

I prepared a lot by delving into the back-story for my character, Emmett, that I created while shooting the first movie so I just picked up that same notebook again for New Moon and added a little more to what I thought embodied this character. I find it easy to get in the role; Emmett is the perfect match for me. I do love creating a back-story for characters; it helps you transform into the role and it makes it yours.

Where do you see yourself in five or ten years?

I'd like to continue acting for as long as possible. I truly love it and I am lucky that not only is it my career but it's something I really enjoy doing so it doesn't feel like work. Hopefully in ten years, I'll have an amazing family with a beautiful wife and little Kellan's running around to play football with.

With your physique having garnered so much attention, can you give our readers some tips on keeping fit?

There's a lot of advice that I could give but what works for one person might not work for another. I just exercise regularly and try to eat healthy. There's no method to my madness. High protein meals are important and I love eggs and chicken so I try to eat that almost every day that I can.  I love fruits so I always have fruit in my kitchen to snack on. I would suggest finding some sort of cardio that you enjoy. I hate running so for me it's swimming. Stay as active as possible and don't just sit in front of the television; do push ups or sit ups during the commercials. Even a little hard work goes a long way.

Kvällens bild..

Hejsan alla därute. Här kommer kvällens (nattens) bild..det är extremt dålig kvalité men det får vi ta! Jag har tagit bilden och det är någonstans i Breaking Dawn, hehe! Ett roligt ställe också x)


/Linnéa A.

Er chans att påverka!

Godkväll alla söta därute :) Hoppas allt är bra med er! Själv sitter jag här och lyssnar på lite musik och drömmer mig bort (haha)! Ville bara säga att ni får mer än gärna ge oss tips och sådant. Vill ni se mer av något i bloggen/eller helt enkelt något helt nytt? Vi blir bara glada av lite tips och sådant! Så skriv lite vad ni tycker nu :)

/ Oss.

Twilight-soundtrack i "So you think you can dance?"

På "So you think you can dance?" (dansprogram i USA) Så har nyligen ett par dansat till Blue foundation - Eyes on fire (som spelas först i vår ipod i bloggen) Man förknippar ju oftast den med twilight och den är så bra. De dansade jättefint och låten passade verkligen in :)


/Linnéa A.

Kvällens bild: Ashley Greene.

Kvällens bild får bli på Ashley Greene :) Det här var när hon var ute med sin hund :) så söt är hon!

HÄR kan ni se flera :)

Kristen&Dakota on set :)

Här är lite nya bilder från inspelningen av The runaways. De ser ju supersnygga ut båda två, de verkar ha väldigt roligt tillsammans dessutom :) Kolla in dakotas skor, snacka om höga! haha.

HÄR kan ni se lite fler bilder :)

Intervju med Kellan Lutz :)

En intervju med Kellan Lutz (Emmeth) :) Man får veta ganska mycket om han, så läs :)

1. When was your first kiss?
I was young, actually, maybe like third or fourth grade. It was during Truth or Dare between one of my guy friends and two of our girlfriends. The girls would put their lip balm on - I was obsessed with it! The flavors were chocolate, caramel, and strawberry (that one just took my breath away!)

2. Who's your celebrity crush?
Lucky Justin Timberlake has Jessica Biel. I think she would just be the coolest girl to hang out with.

3. What's a girl fashion trend that confuses you?
The dress with jeans. If it's a dress, wear a dress; show your legs!

4. What's the chick flick you secretly love?
I really loved Tristan and Isolde and Atonement.

5. What's your TV guilty pleasure?
"Judge Judy." I'm obsessed with it. I'll wake up every morning, hop in the shower, and turn my TV around to watch it. My brother will knock on the door, say ‘You still in the shower?' And I'll be like, ‘Yeah, yeah, this is a good one!'

6. Who would play you in the movie version of your life?
I love those kids on "The Suite Life of Zack and Cody." I remember when they were little they looked like they were having so much fun just being kids. And that's how I was growing up and how I try to be. So I think it'd be them.

7. What's your dream job?
I want to fly a jet. I'd love to just be in the air and go mach 3 or mach 4. Or, I'd be an underwater salvager. I've always been fascinated with the Bermuda Triangle and Atlantis. I love chemistry, also. That's why acting is so random for me!

8. If you could trade places with anyone in the world for one day, who would it be?
I'd probably trade with George W. Bush just because Area 51 has been my biggest pet peeve. I just want to know all the secrets. I just have to know everything. Even when a girlfriend cheats on me, I'll find a way to get all the info out.

9. Who in your family are you closest to?
My 26-year-old brother Brandon. We're best friends. When we were younger, he'd get his phone confiscated and be like, ‘Kellan, bring me yours!' And it'd be like midnight and I'm sliding it down the hallway to him. He took advantage of me but the roles switched when I got older. He was a senior when I was a freshman. And he was like, ‘Kellan, you're cool now. Let's hang out.' He brought me to the parties and I was like the cool young Lutz.

10. What's your favorite Website? I love it because there are so many simple games that you just feel so cool when you beat them. I'm so strategic. I love Command & Conquer games.

11. What's the fast food you can't live without?
Sonic. I'm so mad that there's none in LA. I go back to Arizona and the first thing I do when I get off the plane is go to Sonic.

12. What's your worst habit?
Betting. I bet on everything. I've never really bought scratch cards or quick picks. It's just like, ‘I bet you I can spin my chair longer.' I love to win. I don't get mad when I don't win, but I don't think it's fun.

13. What's the last song you listened to on your iPod?
I don't know who sings it, and I'm not going to sing!

14. What's the last thing you bought?
A thousand dollars worth of clothes, which is ridiculous. I went shopping the other day. And I just got the new Samsung Instinct phone. I think it just beat the iPhone. I knew I was coming out to New York and I suck at the subways but this has GPS. So I figured I'd get the phone. I still get lost, but it's cool.

15. What did you dream about last night?
I was watching "World's Wildest Police Chases" and I dreamed that I designed this one gadget called the Cop Stopper. I just moved the cop cars out of the way.

16. How much money is in your wallet right now?
I actually took a lot here. I got rent from my roommates so I have all the rent money here. I took it with me so I wouldn't have to go to the bank because I can never find them. So I just brought a big stack of hundreds.

17. Fill in the blank: When I was 17, I was ____________.
Getting in trouble with my older brother.
4. What's the chick flick you secretly love?
I really loved Tristan and Isolde and Atonement.

5. What's your TV guilty pleasure?
"Judge Judy." I'm obsessed with it. I'll wake up every morning, hop in the shower, and turn my TV around to watch it. My brother will knock on the door, say ‘You still in the shower?' And I'll be like, ‘Yeah, yeah, this is a good one!'

6. Who would play you in the movie version of your life?
I love those kids on "The Suite Life of Zack and Cody." I remember when they were little they looked like they were having so much fun just being kids. And that's how I was growing up and how I try to be. So I think it'd be them.

7. What's your dream job?
I want to fly a jet. I'd love to just be in the air and go mach 3 or mach 4. Or, I'd be an underwater salvager. I've always been fascinated with the Bermuda Triangle and Atlantis. I love chemistry, also. That's why acting is so random for me!

8. If you could trade places with anyone in the world for one day, who would it be?
I'd probably trade with George W. Bush just because Area 51 has been my biggest pet peeve. I just want to know all the secrets. I just have to know everything. Even when a girlfriend cheats on me, I'll find a way to get all the info out.

9. Who in your family are you closest to?
My 26-year-old brother Brandon. We're best friends. When we were younger, he'd get his phone confiscated and be like, ‘Kellan, bring me yours!' And it'd be like midnight and I'm sliding it down the hallway to him. He took advantage of me but the roles switched when I got older. He was a senior when I was a freshman. And he was like, ‘Kellan, you're cool now. Let's hang out.' He brought me to the parties and I was like the cool young Lutz.

10. What's your favorite Website? I love it because there are so many simple games that you just feel so cool when you beat them. I'm so strategic. I love Command & Conquer games.

11. What's the fast food you can't live without?
Sonic. I'm so mad that there's none in LA. I go back to Arizona and the first thing I do when I get off the plane is go to Sonic.

12. What's your worst habit?
Betting. I bet on everything. I've never really bought scratch cards or quick picks. It's just like, ‘I bet you I can spin my chair longer.' I love to win. I don't get mad when I don't win, but I don't think it's fun.

13. What's the last song you listened to on your iPod?
I don't know who sings it, and I'm not going to sing!

14. What's the last thing you bought?
A thousand dollars worth of clothes, which is ridiculous. I went shopping the other day. And I just got the new Samsung Instinct phone. I think it just beat the iPhone. I knew I was coming out to New York and I suck at the subways but this has GPS. So I figured I'd get the phone. I still get lost, but it's cool.

15. What did you dream about last night?
I was watching "World's Wildest Police Chases" and I dreamed that I designed this one gadget called the Cop Stopper. I just moved the cop cars out of the way.

16. How much money is in your wallet right now?
I actually took a lot here. I got rent from my roommates so I have all the rent money here. I took it with me so I wouldn't have to go to the bank because I can never find them. So I just brought a big stack of hundreds.

17. Fill in the blank: When I was 17, I was ____________.
Getting in trouble with my older brother.


Back on Track!

Hallåhallå :D nu är vi hemma igen :) Hoppas allt är bra med er, kika in om en stund då börjar uppdateringen om vad som hänt medan vi vart borta :) Kramar!

Rob på inspelningen.

Här har vi Rob in action ;) Från inspelningen av Remember Me. Snygg som vanligt ;)  Hoppas alla mår bra där ute :)

HÄR finns några bilder
HÄR finns fler
HÄR finns ännu fler
HÄR finns flest (skämt o sido) xD

/ Linneor!

Uppdatering från stugan ;)

Hej alla twilighters därute :) Vi bloggar just nu från en stuga mitt i skogen =) Vi har badat jättemycket, haha! Men nog om det.. vi är nominerade till Veckans blogg hos Thetwilightsagawe.. så nu behöver vi eran hjälp :D Klicka HÄR för att komma till inlägget :) 


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